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Strengthen Memory
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Rosemary is said to enhance memory and symbolise the past.

Tommy learnt this as he started to study the herbs that grew around them. Philza kept a garden full of colourful scents, and he was sure the sight was even prettier. As days proceeded, Tommy was mentored by the elder with broken wings of many medicines and ailments. Ranboo stitched together some new clothes for him, silky white and red robes, a hood that covered his long ponytail, oddly comfortable pants that tucked into old leather boots borrowed from Phil. He was truly finding a home in these people and this place.

Philza called to lunch, and as the schedule went, he would train in the woods with Techno after this.

Luckily with his improved vision, a.k.a. seeing three inches in front of him, he can somewhat eat for himself now. Cleaning the plate is still an issue, but Phil doesn't mind. Technoblade grabs the semi-empty bowl and washes it while Tommy fetches his wool scarf and dull weapon. The dullness wasn't to protect Techno but more so Tommy. They wouldn't tell him that, of course.

Tommy bit the cold air, his feet knowing these woods now. His nose was barely hidden in his scarf, still cold. He laughed to himself at the uniformity of the situation, before smelling something downwind. Halting, his senses heighten. Maybe this was another test from Techno. Although the scent was more rustic than bloody, almost feral.

His heart sunk to his stomach. Being hunted by someone else... And it wasn't even Dream.

There's a flutter of dead leaves and a cape in the breeze, sending Tommy rolling to the right, teeth bared. A familiar chuckle echoes off the trees.

"B--Bad?" Was this a trick? There are so many other footsteps approaching them. He couldn't even recognise them all.

"Hello, Tommyinnit." Why did he sound so sinister? This has to be a dream... Dream? Tommy tries his best to see if the asshat is anywhere near, but all the scents mixing together made it so difficult. He thought deciphering herbs in the garden was hard. There's an unsheathing of something metal, and Tommy gulps, knowing he'll have to fight.

Someone warm holds his back, another set of hands coming around to grab his arms. Primal instinct sends his legs kicking. He can't die here in the middle of nowhere. Sharp nails graze his face. Trickling blood. All he sees is Bad's paw firmly grasping his face, something shiny in the other one.

He can't die here. A kick lands in Bad's groin, and Tommy laughs in his face, trying to wriggle out of the other peoples' grasp. The shiny metal drops into the snow, and he manages to bit someone's furry hand. Getting free.

"Just die already, kid!" Bad screams , picking up the sword and running at Tommy who narrowly dodges. BadBoyHalo was obviously sent into a fit of rage, white eyes full of bloodlust.

"Watch yourself, BadBoyHalo." Purpled! Tommy wanted to cry in joy. Someone was with him?

Warm paws grab his shoulders gently, shushing. Caught in a frenzy of not wanting to get caught again, he swings his dull blade at Puffy who catches it and hushes him more. There's a heavy growl from Bad, charging at Tommy and ignoring the others. Whoever else was with Bad seemed to deal with Purpled and his allies quite well.

All he sees is something shiny. Tommy screams out in pain, both mental and physical. Not again. Not again. Please. Puffy huffs, grabbing her own sword and throwing Tommy behind her. So much blood in the air, of course it would attract the wolves. Nothing else fazes Tommy as his head feels light and the snow starts to warm.

He wakes in a meadow of rosemary. The sun is so bright against the cloudless blue sky. It reflects off the jewelry of two horned people. They laugh. One faces Tommy from the distance. Ranboo calls over Tommy who sits with them on the red and white blanket. Warm aroma of bread fills his senses and all of a sudden, the little blondie is drooling. Tubbo faces Tommy, a hand offering bread. He realises now that this can't be real, but who's to stop him from hoping.

He bites into it, mouth full. Tubbo points and laughs, Ranboo hiding his little chuckle. Red rays of light blind the three boys, and Tubbo cheers.

"Look, Tommy! Isn't it so pretty?"

Tommy laughs, unable to stare the sunset in the eyes. Why is he crying?

"Tommy?" Tubbo? "Are you okay? Look at me, dumbass."

That was something Tommy could, in fact, do.

"I'm okay if you're okay, and wherever you venture, you bet I'm following. You're never alone," Tubbo grins, flicking Tommy's bandaged nose. Tommy reaches in for a hug, pulling in Ranboo as well. By now, the sun has set, and the stars are falling.

Ranboo smiles, leaning back onto his hands. "A meteor shower*... Isn't that so pretty?"

(*Meteor Showers can symbolise beauty rising from the ashes like a phoenix.)

Tommy holds his knees to his chest, smiling at the stars. For once in a while, his chest felt light and it was easy to breath. "It's gorgeous."

He closed his eyes for a moment, listening to the breeze as it gradually harshened. He tried to open his eyes but something was stopping him.

"Tubbo?" Tommy cried, reaching out a hand and feeling a heated body carrying him. Technoblade hushed him, his fingers interlocked with Tommy's lengthy hair. This rhythm... They were running?

Philza cries out, grabbing Tommy's cold body. "What the fuck happened?"


"Save your breath, kid," Technoblade sighs, before leaning in and talking with Phil. There's no commanding the great Tommyinnit.

"Is Tubbo okay?" Tommy says a little louder. The air seems to stop moving. The fireplace seems to stop roaring. There's a subtle gasp by the doorway.

"We just need to fix up your eyes, Tommy. Just relax." Philza lectures, "Now, this is going to hurt."

"How much?"

"Just stay still." Philza pours something over his face that feels like death herself. Tommy lets out a piercing wail of pain, sobbing. It's no wonder he'd pass out from the pain again. Not for long, anyhow. He did wake by the time Philza finished bandaging his eyes. A mixture of numbness and bitter pain swirled in his brain, dry air and copper on his tongue.

"Will he heal?" Technoblade.

"Not... he won't ever be able to see again, but--" the rest was cut off by Tommy's violent sobs. Memories reminded him how beautiful sight was. Flowers and sunsets. Stars and smiles. He'll never be able to see another stupid weed and think how much it looks like a flower. He'll forever suck at eating and stitching.

In a desperate attempt to remember sight, he starts to think of words describing everything from colours to landscapes to events to people. And yet, nothing is truly as beautiful as the sight itself. Poetry will never suffice.

A rough hand grasps his cheek, rolling with salty tears. Tommy will never be lured into a false sense of security again. He swipes away the hand, growling defensively. The L'Manburg flag and it's architecture. The flowers fields Tubbo would show Tommy. Niki's fancy designs on her treats. The clouds making shapes and symbols. Ranboo's dumb but odd face. Technoblade's battlescars. Never again.

Yes. It was numbness and despair he was feeling. Because never again will he see anything beautiful. Just as he was starting to regain vision... it was Bad who took away that opportunity. The opportunity to see.

A voice in him whispers for revenge. For blood. For Bad's blood.

Iris . Blindinnit AU [DSMP]Where stories live. Discover now