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There was a rocking in the small wooden boat as Tubbo grunted along. Tommy was given a paddle, but had to be instructed very specifically. They had passed a flower forest coming here, and it actually made Tommy's heart twist. The smell of pollen and fresh rain. The sound of bees and hummingbirds. Tubbo got Tommy to hold a bee, teaching him to be gentle.

They were trying to take the trip slowly, but both of their chests crushed inwards, hearts racing like wolves hunting. They were on high alert, and not really feeling as relaxed as they would hope before death.

Tubbo held the compass that Tommy gave him in his lap. It was pretty much the same direction every mile, so it didn't matter much anyway. Water falling starts to come close, and the boat shakes as Tubbo readjusts himself.

It's not raining, and the water falling sounded like it was so high up. Tubbo watches something big come over the horizon line, towering them and reaching for the sun. A mountain with a steep cliff, and water pouring off of a side. The sun begins to lower, and the heat of working this hard for so long has driven both of them to sweat.

Tubbo looks down, watching the compass turn towards the mountain. His heart drops, knowing he'd have to guide Tommy up there. Knowing the story of Theseus.

Tommy is told to stop rowing, and he feels the boat hit something. They lift up, and Tubbo starts dragging them ashore.

"Get out, Tommy," Tubbo orders with a shaky tone. Tommy had never heard him this nervous before, and yet so calm.

"We're here?" He looks around, pointlessly, "Where is here?"

"You'll have to follow my steps and orders very carefully. I don't want you falling."

"Falling? Tubbo. How high are we going?"

The goat's ears flatten as he looks up. He can't see the top.

"I'm not sure."

For most of the way, they use the water fall, swimming against the push and upwards. Tubbo gasps for air as he finds a tree root to grab for. He pulls himself up, looking back and reaching for Tommy.

"We're at the top. Grab my hand," he instructs, feeling a boney hand grab at his. Tubbo helps Tommy lift himself up, and they both fall backwards into grass. A small pile of ants is disturbed, scurrying around angrily.

"You made it!"

The voice sends Tubbo to put his arm in front of Tommy, hand on sheathed sword. Tommy feels a bow he packed, arrow in his spare hand.

"Don't worry. I just want to talk."

Tommy feels the voice grip his mind, sweetness drowning his ears and sour blinding his mind.

"Shut up!" he yells, getting to his feet and firing his bow. Tubbo sighs. Why'd Tommy use the bow?

Dream doesn't even have to dodge the arrow that was three feet off. He starts to build up, flexing a disc to Tubbo. "I know poor lil' Tommy doesn't know—"


"—so I'll let you hear what I have."

Tubbo grabs at Tommy's shirt, whispering in his ears that Dream has Mellohi and to remain calm. Instead of following directions, Tommy runs forward to where he remembers the voice, attempting to build upwards towards Dream.

Dream places obsidian around the sound of Mellohi.

Tommy can feel his blood boil.

He jumps to the disc's noise, before being kicked off by Dream.

Iris . Blindinnit AU [DSMP]Where stories live. Discover now