Lily Of The Valley

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Lily Of The Valley
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"The ground feels off," Tommy grunts, tripping over a rock on the unsteady and rough terrain. A hiss slid through Philza's clenched teeth.

"Yeahhh..." Perhaps it was better that Tommy couldn't see the ashes and grit his home was blown to. Phil grabs the younger mate's hand, taking him around the crater and by the water. "Ranboo said to follow this tunnel to Tubbo."

"Oh?" Tommy didn't know what tunnel. He reaches out in front and water slides through his slender fingers. The cold touch surprises him, and he reels back, gasping.

"Are you good?" Phil chuckles, "It's just water."

"I'm fine," Tommy sighs, disappointed in himself for the reaction, "But the tunnel is filled with water."

"Yeah! You swim through it... Maybe I have a spare trident in my enderchest, actually," He says, pulling out a chest and digging through it. The spare trident slipped into his hands, cold metal against his rough palms.

Tommy could almost hear the distant shouts and feel the rain against his skin. He had to remember, now, that he wasn't alone anymore.

A hand patted his shoulder, and Tommy could practically feel the look of concern from Phil.

"Let's go." Tommy tighten his grip around the trident, stepping head first into the water tunnel and shooting himself forward. Philza was close behind, his whirls audible behind Tommy's. Finally, he felt himself spin out into the cold snow. His shoulder blade his ice and he slid into water. Philza follows, with a much more graceful landing.

Phil picks up Tommy, trying to not be worried. Tommy shakes off the water like a bathed puppy, and hands Phil his trident.

"No, no. You can keep it mate. It was just collecting dust in my enderchest anyway," Philza smiles gently, lightly guiding Tommy onto the land with a hand on his back.

"Maybe we should get you a seeing dog," He chuckles. Tommy frowns for a moment, then considers. He knows it's a joke, but it sounds nice. Tommy would never be alone. Unless the dog left him, too.

Philza started calling for Tubbo, after respectively telling Tommy to cover his ears. A small voice comes from creaking wooden doors, and then hooves sound against hollow planks.

"Hey Phil!"

"Tubbo, your Tommy has business with you," And with some pats on his shoulder, Tommy lowers his hands. He looks up to where Tubbo should be, but remembers.

"Tubbo," He clears his throat, signalling for Phil to leave them. "Tubs, Dream came to me the other day—"

"Oh god. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. He gave me this," Tommy shows Tubbo the gift in his coat's pocket. He held it from the chain, showing the silver compass in the cool light. "Of course, I can't see. He knows this," He strains to get this part out. "Tubbo, Dream asked me to meet him but only with you. Just us. No one else. 'Or else there will be consequences'."

Tubbo inhales shakily, staring the metal shining by sunlight.

"This won't end well."

"I know."

The young goat sighs, grabbing the compass. It pointed South.

"We're on one life, both."

"I know."

The blonde groans, running his hands up and down his scarred arms. He didn't want to do this.

"Are you ready? Are you okay?"

"I..." Tommy pauses this time. "Don't know."

Tubbo shoves the compass into his jacket pocket, as he wraps his arms around the taller man. His breathing is heavy, and holding back tears.

"Are you, Tubbo?"


They would never be ready for what was going to happen next.

Iris . Blindinnit AU [DSMP]Where stories live. Discover now