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"Hey? I've been wondering for a while... why do you limp?" Fundy was supervising Tommy for a bit, but he also had some mining to get done, so they were going to do that. Both of them were avidly avoiding Wilbur.

Tommy's a little shocked. No one had pointed this out before, at least, since Dream took care of him in Logstedshire. He sighs, rubbing his arm under the long white cloak which was freshly washed by Purpled.

"You don't have to answer. That just wasn't there before exile," Fundy bit his lip, guilt trickling down into him like a leaky faucet into his brain.

"It's okay, Dutch boy. I just tripped a while ago and it never really healed."

Fundy stops Tommy before guiding him down a set of rocky stairs. Towards the bottom, he let Tommy sit in a minecart, empty as to not dirty him.

"Why do you choose to wear Tubbo's bandana?" Fundy's words slip out before he can finish hitting this piece of iron.

Tommy kind of sulks into the cart deeper, curling into a ball. A hand reaches up, touching the bandana that hid his healing scar.

"I'm sor--"

"It's smell like him. Like a blooming garden. But also like losing fights."

Fundy puts the ores into a separate cart, looking down at Tommy for a moment. "He won a lot of fights."

"Just not the important ones." Tommy replies bitterly. Purpled had offered to wash Tubbo's bandana as well, but Tommy refused. Every inhale he took made him think twice if his friend was nearby. If he sat there and breathed it in, he could feel himself hugging Tubbo.

The boys sit in silence for hours, Tommy breathing in dust and pollen.

"You need to let me go." Tubbo sighed, smiling from  behind Tommy. He opened his eyes to a windless field, mountains on the horizon and tall grass brushing his hip. Tommy turns to face Tubbo who is standing just a little taller than the grass.

"Tubbo, you--"

"I'm gone. Forever. I don't want to feel the pain of being stitched together, so don't even think about that revival book one more time."


"My limbo..." Tubbo looks away from Tommy, to the mountains. "My limbo is your exile. My execution. TNT from the sky... all in one. You told me it'd be a train."

"I thought--"

"Everything I regret. Y'know. For once I thought I'd think about myself and exile my troublemaking best friend. Look where that got him."

"Can you--"

"Just in a load more trouble."

Tommy reaches out and grasps Tubbo's shoulders. He doesn't respond.

"Please hear me," Tubbo whispers, bowing his head.

"I can, Tubbo," Tommy feels the red bandana on his wrist, smiling at the site. Tubbo feels like a thousand little butterflies under Tommy's hands, flapping their wings as they fly away. As Tubbo leaves him again, he hears an all too familiar voice.

"Found you."

"Ranboo?" Tommy turns to see if it was who he thought it was, but all he turns to is the familiar swarm of darkness.

There's a soft feeling of fur on his noise to which Tommy sneezes. Fundy chuckles softly, his tail audibly wagging.

"Your fur smells like cobblestone..." Tommy groans, migraine ensuing. He sits up, rubbing his forehead.

Iris . Blindinnit AU [DSMP]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora