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Draco's Pov:

I watched as Cedric and Isabella carried her out of the kitchen and into the bathroom to bathe her. I watched as her head fell across Cedrics forearm.

"What happened?" I asked turning my attention back to my mother.

"She fought and fought until he- he was about to kill her- I grabbed the wand she gave me and I- I killed him- right before he killed her. I killed the man I used to love." She said as she sobbed.

I quickly rushed over to her side and wrapped my arms around her. I felt how tiny her body was. I felt how she flinched when she was touched. It amazed me how my mother loved and stuck by that monster for years even after what he'd do to her.

"You did amazing mum." I said as I pulled away.

She gave me a small smile, pulling me back into a hug.

"I missed my dear boy." She whispered in my ear.

"How bout you go shower and I'll cook for everyone and go get Zale." I said softly as I walked away.

I walked into Isabella's spare room where her nursery for her soon to be child would stay, but no one knew besides me.

"Hi bubs." I said to Zale as he kicked his feet up giggling.

I rubbed the top of his soft hair gently before slowly picking him up. He had his mother's brown hair and my blue eyes.

I walked around the kitchen as I held Zale in my arms. I turned on the stove and put a pan with butter on it and let it simmer as I played with Zales hand.

"You're gonna be so big one day." I said nuzzling my head into his neck.

"And your mother and I will forever protect you." I said pulling back.

"Let me help you." Isabella said as she walked back into the kitchen.

Her sleeves were rolled up and hair pulled back.

"How is she? How's mother?" I asked handing Zale over.

"Hades is out cold. Possible memory lost. She'll be out for a few days, months possibly, year at the worst. She'll be in and out, waking up and having highs and lows. Mother is fine. Frail and bruised, but nothing that won't heal in a few weeks to months." She said softly as she bounced Zale around.

"There's toast and bacon and um fruit and um just whatever you want. Is Hades in the bedroom?" I asked, only caring to see her.

Isabella nodded her head. I walked back the hall way and peered into the room. I saw hades peacefully sleeping as small breaths left her lips.

'weeks, months possibly, years at the worse'

"You've got to come back. Zale can't have his first birthday without you. I can't have our one year anniversary without you. I can't fucking breath without you." I whispered as I laid down in the empty spot in the bed.

"Shh." She whined out as she turned around to face me.

"You'll be in and out for a few days, but please do you know who I am?" I asked hoping to keep her awake for as long as possible.

"Of course I do." She said looking up at me with a small smile on her lips as her eyes struggled to stay open.

"Who am I?" I asked again knowing that wasn't an answer.

"Draco. Now please let me sleep, and stay with me." She whispered softly as she fell back into sleep.

I let myself do the same.

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