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I woke up to the scent of sex... memories from last night flashed back through my mind... my hand flashed down onto my chest... a small cut with blood dried around... bruises and hickeys down my stomach and hips...

a small cut in my lip from biting down onto it... i lazily rolled over to see Elijah... he had a think white sheet draped over his hips as his long legs stood out from underneath... he looked at peace... he was wild in bed... he was crazy... but that's what i liked... he brought something out inside of me...

"morning" he sleepishly mumbled rubbing his eyes...

"g'morning" i replied biting down on my lip...

"Cat got your tongue" he asked laughing slightly...

"no i think you did after last night" i laughed out... he looked over at me bringing his large hand to brush my hair off my shoulder...

he smirked at the markings he had left... his hand moved down to my collar bones... he slid down his hand down to the sheet pulling it off letting if fall... he brushed his hand over the cut on my breast... his finger tips grazing over it slightly...

"Fun wasn't it" he asked finally snapping out of his daze.

"Nothing is every experienced before or expected to experience... i didn't think you were that type..." i laughed out... he expression became serious as he got up out of bed with a blanket hooked around his hips... he grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom...

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me" he replied wiping blood from under his nose
did that happen often?

He walked out of the room and into the main bathroom... i just stared at the door in confusion...
Suddenly i heard a knock at the front door. I grabbed a blanket and covered my whole body with it and walked to answer the door.

"What do you want" i muttered out holding the blanket up with my free hand.

"I just left some things here wondered if i could come get them?" Draco replied with zero emotion.

"Sure" i replied moving out of the door way so he could walk in.

"You're a fucking whore" he screamed out as i shut the door.

"Drac-" suddenly he pushed me aggressively... i'd never seen him like this...

"I bet you already slept with him didn't you. God you're such a whore... i take back everything i said and did with you" he screamed out pushing me father into the wall...

"Look at your neck all marked up by someone else... you don't even have clothes on" he screamed out punching the wall beside my head.

"Draco stop you're scaring me" i muttered out.

"Good... you know what... Pottah was right you are a whore and deserve everything you get" suddenly the bathroom door jerked open thankfully.

Elijah stood there for a second taking in what was happening... Draco stood over me with his hand pushing into the wall while a few tears slipped out.

"Leave" Elijah yelled out.

"Why... everything i have you get... you're not taking her away from me..." Draco bit back coldly.

"I'm not some fucking item Malfoy... and i'm pretty sure you lost me the minute you were caught snogging Pansy while i was fighting for your sister and my life" i sobbed out. He turned around and faced me.

"You're so fucking stupid! You should've went with Bellatrix. The dark lord will be here sooner or later we don't have a choice" he screamed out letting a few tears slip out... Bella soon came through the door... she looked worried.

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