In the End

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Hades Pov:

"I'm here, you leave Draco and the rest of my family alone." I said looking up to meet his eyes.

The same as Draco's when he was mad.

"Your family? Please your nothing to them. Isabella felt sorry for you when she befriended you. You trapped Draco." He said walking down the stairs closer to me.

I felt the cool wind of night fall hitting my face as I spoke to him outside of what used to be Dracos Family home.

"I did no such thing. You know it and I know it. He is smarter then you so is Isabella. How's it feel huh? How's it feel knowing your own son and daughter out smarted you?" I said getting in his face.

I felt a sharp stinging pain erupt on my left cheek as my head jerked to the side.

I didn't even bother lifting my hand to aid my cheek after being slapped.

"Cocky little bastard aren't you?" I said with a small smirk on my face as I lift my eyes.

"What? Don't like when a women disobeys you, or likes the punishment huh?" I said as I stepped a step up being level with him now.

"Take her out of my sight until I'm ready to deal with her." He mumbled turning away.

I felt hands pull my arms behind myself and jerk them tightly as they held them together, and tied them jerking me by the back of the shirt to lead me.

"I'm not scared of you!" I screamed out.

He stopped at the doorway turning to look at me again.

"Well I'm sure your son will be when he realizes how his mother and father died." He sneered.

"Flippendo." I whispered under my breath and flicking the wand tucked under my sleeve to the people behind me.

Lucius eyes widened as they flipped backward, releasing me from their grip.

"Cruicio." He said as he laughed aiming his wand towards me.

I gave him a smirk as I continued to walk up the stairs.


"You know what I don't like? You. You know what I do like though? Pain. You know how I found that out? When your son fucked me till I cried. No mercy." I said as I held my wand up to his neck.

"Confringo!" A death eater from the side yelled.

I quickly turned my attention to them blocking the spell as Lucius ran.

I quickly ran into the mansion chasing after him.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Draco's mother alive.

However she wouldn't be alive for long.

"Make another move and she's dead with the unforgiving curse." He seethed as he held his wand to her neck.

"I thought she was-" I said in shock as her eyes met mine.

She looked awful.

She had scrapes and cuts all over her body. She was frail and skinny. Her eyes were bruised and bloodshot. A few tears rolled down her cheeks as she pleaded for me to just leave and save myself.

"You know what she doesn't like huh? She doesn't like pain, but I do, so when I beat her till she cries-" He said looking me dead in the eyes till I cut in to interrupt him.

"You'll rot in-" I said as my eyes grew watery looking at Draco's poor mother.

Everyone thought she was dead- no one even bothered to try and look for her... to caught up in their own problems.

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