Train Ride

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"Hades do be careful please, here's some money and extra galleons juts in case you know your mother will send more each week right. You have your account also- oh don't forget..." Amelia my care giver continued to ramble on.

Oh how I loved her but goodness she could be a burden, but she was the only one who'd taken care of me my whole life. My mother was never around she sent money tho very wealthy woman I may add, and well my father was the dark lord.

"Amelia thank you love I have plenty of money enough to last me years, although I receive more every month. Now i must be going before i miss the train love. I'll miss you" I hugged her gently.

She pressed into me for a warm hug. She smelt of cinnamon and spice. I loved the scent I probably smelt the same way. Just as i was about to pull away the oven beeped. Oh no here we go.

"Oh, but Hades wouldn't you like some of this bread i made and some coffee to go, oh how i know you love my caramel lattes!" I couldn't turn her down so i gladly expected.

"Just a small piece of the banana bread please." I said.

"Oh but honey come on you're getting a little petite anyways a bigger slice wouldn't hurt."

She wasn't wrong, I wasn't starving myself of course not, but i just didn't have much of an appetite with everything with my father and him wanting me to join him and the Malfoy family.

Everything that happened last year.

Oh besides Draco their son. I was pretty fond of him. His loose blonde hair, his black suit with a black turtle neck underneath, those full lips, his...

"Hades, hun what about some for the Train ride?" I must've been off in a daze.

"Oh of course thank you!" I grabbed the bread and my caramel latte and headed out the door. For my 6th year.

I grabbed my head phones off the counter and plugged them in my ears to listen to the muggle music.

Yes in Howgarts we use muggle technology.

Quite smart they are. I headed up to the train shivering a bit as it was very cold outside. I soon saw Isabella and ran up to here on the platform.

"Merlin beards I thought you'd be late" she laughed.

She did look very pretty. Nice and cozy in a warm dark green sweater matching her eyes and her hair slightly curled with some eyeliner.

She had all the boys crawling on her, but still she chose Cedric Diggory... couldn't blame her, although i was surprised her father approved of Cedric after everything that happened that one year.

"Well Amelia didn't want me to leave, and she gave me some banana bread, here have some, and a caramel latte." I said seeing Cedric approach from behind Isabella. He put his finger up to his lips meaning let me scare her.

"AHH, OMG you dick Ced!!" She screamed after coming down from her little scare. I just laughed.

Then as I was just about to ask where-

"Ah brought company here i see" Draco said. I turned up to look at him. Oh how much he'd changed.

"Hey take a picture it'll last longer Riddle" Blaise snickered.

"Blaise I told you to stop using my last name and it only draws more attention." i said pathetically while going to grab my wand.

Draco stopped me however.

Why on Earth was he touching me he never even bothered to look at me. If i wasn't mistaken i'd say he's eyes traveled down to my cleavage.

I quickly brushed it off and looked back into his eyes as they met mine.

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