Chapter Twenty-One

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Dedication to @City_Lights_Shine :)

Chapter Twenty-One

The silence that followed the event was astounding, it was absolutely silent. Slowly, I felt anger replace my surprise. It seeped up on me faster than a lion as it pounced on its prey.

Which is probably what it resembled as I stormed over to Harry's table.

"What the actual holy mushrooms in heaven inspired you to do that?" I snarled out, fist clenched and jaw stubborn.

Harry lost his smirk, instead a bit of guilt was suddenly evident in his eyes.

"Al, please breathe," Trinity stood up, placing her napkin on the table and walking over to me. She placed her hand on my shoulder, a sympathetic, but pleading expression over her fair features.

I shook my head, giving another glare towards the curly-haired player. The thought of what happened just a minute ago was angering me to no end. "He can't just do that. It's rude, inconsiderate and just downright popstarish."


For the first time, I looked around the table. Louis looked slightly amused, Zayn stared at Trinity, Niall refused to look up, and Liam looked at me with sympathy.

"You two are going outside and working this out. Right now," Trinity stated, taking grasp of Harry's wrist and tugging him off his chair. She then dragged the both of us outside, kindly shoving us out into the cold air. She then shut the door behind us, giving us both a look. A 'you stay out here and fix your problems' look.

I crossed my arms, not wanting to converse with this boy at all. He was childish, immature and annoying.

Harry wrung his hands together, looking down. There wasn't a trace of the cocky boy left. "Listen.. I'm sorry. Those girls.. They were saying such rude things. I.. I wanted to shut them up. You're an amazing girl and you didn't deserve it. I'm sorry."

His words made sense, the anger simmered down. A tiny bit. "I just.. You can't just steal my first kiss. I just.. I don't know what you mean by it.. I'm not going to fall at your feet. I don't do that."

He shrugged his shoulders. "I know the girls here don't exactly like you.. And I know it's because we do."

"Yeah, well," I paused, trying to keep my breathing even, "Kissing me out of the blue isn't going to change that."

"I'm sorry."

"Whatever. Just.. Never do that again," I demanded weakly, before turning on my heel and stalking back into the house. I left him behind, going back to the plate of food I had left at the boy's table.

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