Chapter Twenty

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Dedication to TheAwkwardTaco (I love your username, okay.)

Chapter Twenty:

"Alright Al," Faith grinned as she read the game card. "Your challenge is to describe your first kiss in three words."

I looked around the living room, all four of my friends happy faces staring at me and waiting for my response. I looked down at the card game and suddenly hated it. "Hasn't happened yet."

I braced myself for the gasps and laughs. But they never came.

"That's cool," Trinity smiled supportively towards me. They all nodded in agreement before Ariana reached in.

"Okay my card is-"

"Wait. None of you guys are going to bring up the fact that she's never been kissed before?" Simone literally poked out of the woodwork, a wide, calculating smile painted across her overly glossed lips.

"No. Because it's not that big of deal," Andie let her brown eyes roll obnoxiously at the dyed blonde. 

"But she's, like, seventeen. She should have had it by now," Simone snickered unattractively.

"Simone, we don't care. Al is cool whether or not she's been kissed. Now kindly shut it and take a long walk off a short pier.. We'd all really, really appreciate that." Faith's momma bear side came out, glaring daggers towards the Fake. 

Simone grinned as if she was secretly planning something and skipped out of the room.

"This can't be good," I muttered under my breath.

"Ignore her, she just likes attention." Ariana stated firmly before wiggling her card in our faces. "Now.. My challenge is.. I have to try to juggle. Someone hand me those celery sticks over there."

We spent the next minute laughing at Ariana's attempt, especially when one of the pieces of celery smacked Trinity in the eye. It was amusing. 

My phone vibrated, alerting me off a Twitter notification. I glanced down.

"This can't be good," I repeated with a groan as I read the mention carefully.

"What?" Andie inquired.

Without another word, I showed my phone to each of the girls. They all let out complaints at the same time. 

Twitter: @SimoneKadance: LOL @ALTHEGRATE HAS NEVER BEEN KISSED xD Spread the word lmao

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