𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 11

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I got back in my car and sat there, not moving, not starting it. I was just thinking. How did this happen? What is so bad that my dad and Jaden can't tell me? What if it isn't even that bad? And now I don't think I'll see him again. I shouldn't be sad but I am, I didn't want this to come to an end but deep down I knew it would.

I sat there for a good 20 minutes just thinking, the sun was setting and I knew I couldn't stay here. I grabbed my phone and putting Chloe's address on my map. I didn't wanna go home, I wanted to be with my friend. I started up my car and headed to her house.

I didn't even text her, I just opened her door and walked up to her room.

"Hey y/n." She said smiling until she saw my facial expression.

"What's wrong." She asked coming over to me as I flopped on her bed. She laid down pulling a pillow on her lap, I moved my head onto the pillow as she played with my hair. She didn't need any explanation, but she knew something was up.

We sat here for a bit until I explained to her what happened and asked to stay the night. She smiled apologetically and shock her head.

"Of course." She said getting up to grab me some comfier clothes, I changed into them and got under the covers shutting my eyes and drifted of the sleep. All I could do was think thought.

For the next few days I didn't leave Chloe's house, I only went to school and then came home with her, she was always good with getting my mind off things, I barely feel about the whole situation with my dad and Jaden. It was now Wednesday and we were watching a TV show together. I didn't know why I was like this, it all started cause I was curious, and I guess I just missed Jaden. I never realized how much of an effect he had on me until now. I did I get excited every time my phone buzz hoping that it would be him but it never was.

My mom had texted a few times checking up on me to make sure i'm okay, she said my dad hadn't been home for a few days. I tried asking her if she knew anything about this but she never answered. I just wanted to know what the big deal was.

I laid beside Chloe chewing popcorn when she got up to use the bathroom. My phone buzzed but I didn't bother to look cause I thought it may be a Instagram notification, but then it was again, and again, and again. I groaned grabbing my phone when my heart dropped. It was Jaden. Chloe came out of the bathroom to see my shocked expression looking at my phone.

"What's up?" She said plopping on the bed beside me.

"Oh nothing i was just waited to go to the bathroom." I said getting up and walking to the restroom to check my phone.

Jaden: y/n

Jaden: we need to talk.

Jaden: I'm sorry how I acted

Jaden: but I need to see you

I didn't respond right away, I just stare looking at the texts. I then received another text from him.

Jaden: meet me out back of your school tomorrow, and don't keep me waiting.

𝐵𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘 𝐼𝑛- 𝚓𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙷𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now