𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 3

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Last week was the last time I saw him, I haven't texted him cause my parents have been home and it just felt to risky, and with school I didn't have time anyways. I've been watching the news to see if they've updated anything about the break ins but they only have said they don't have any suspects and suppose who ever did it has already left town but to keep your eyes open and be aware.

It was my last period of school, biology. I walked into class and sat next to my best friend Chloe, we talked for a bit as we waited for the teacher to start teaching. I hated this class so much, Mr. Ross was a dick, he gave out so much work and gave out lots of detention for the stupidest things ever. I started taking notes when my phone vibrated, I ignored it tho cause if I looked he'd get mad. I continued taking notes when my phone vibrated again, I didn't want to look still but I also wanted to, I raised my hand putting my phone in the jean pocket.

"Yes miss y/l/n." Mr, Ross said annoyed like I wasn't allowed to raise my hand, ass wipe.

"Can I use the bathroom please?" I asked.

"Can't it wait?" He said crossing his arms at me.

"No it actually can't." I sassed back smiling, he rolled his eyes and let me go, I stood up and walked out of the class and down the hall to the bathroom, I walked into a stall and locked it pulling out my phone, it was Jaden, I got butterflies just from The notification of his text.

Jaden: hey baby
Jaden: I miss you

I smiled at the phone, I mean I missed him too, who wouldn't?

Y/n: oh do you now?
I stared at my phone until I saw the three dots pop up indicating he was typing back.

Jaden: ya I do. I need to see you.
I smiled and thought of what to type back but I decided to leave him on read, I smirked putting my phone in my pocket and walking back to class. I sat back in my spot and thought about Jaden, I did miss him a lot, I missed his touch, the way his hands ran up and down my body, how his lips felt on my skin. My thought were interrupted by Chloe shoving my arm. I looked up to see Mr.Ross looking at me with a oh so happy look on his face, not that he ever looks happy.

"What do you think about this y/n." He asked tapping his fingers on the desk impatiently.

"I honestly don't really care." I said as I heard whispers from around the room. His face got red as his hand gripped the marker.

"I will see you after class y/n." He said turning around, Chloe turned and look at me with a shocked look that turned into a smirk.

"Someone had to say it eventually." I said giggling. She laughed back covering her mouth so she doesn't get in trouble too.

After class I stayed in my seat, basically Mr. Ross lectured me about how it was disrespectful and to not talk back for about 30 minutes. Once he let me go I got up and walked out of class, the hall were cleared because everyone went home already. I walked out the front and went on my phone for a bit, I told my mom that I had to stay a bit and would let her know when to get me. I was scrolling on my phone when I got a text from Jaden.

Jaden: did you really wear that top to school? Little revealing don't you think?
His texted said. My heart dropped. Was he watching me?

Y/n: how would you know what my top looks like? 
I texted back waiting for a response.

"I mean don't get me wrong you look hot as hell but I don't want other people looking at you." I heard a voice say beside me. Jaden.

"Oh my god Jaden." I said in shock. He smirked at me walking up to me.

"You didn't text me back, why's that?" He asked coming closer to me putting his arms by either side of my head on the wall. The butterfly's were back.

"I well.." I couldn't really give him a answer because the only real reason I did it was to tease him.

"Can't speak now can we." He said lifting my chin up to me look at him. I looked at him as he smirked at me.

"How did you even find me? Why are you out, what if someone sees you?" I said millions of questions running through my head. He placed his finger over my lips.

"I followed you on your way here one morning, I wanted to see what school you went to so I could come and see you when I wanted. And nobody even knows what I look like, it will be fine." He said running his thumb across my bottom lip, he leaned in a kissed me, it was very passionate at first but then got rougher, he slid his tongue in my mouth causing me to moan and him to grin. He pulled away from my lips and grabbed hand dragging me away from the school.

"Jaden we can't go to my house, my parents are home." I said not wanting my parents to find out about Jaden yet, over really ever.

"I know, now get in the car." He said bring me to a black car parked in the school parking lot. I did what I was told and got in the car, he did as well, starting the car and driving out of the parking lot.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked confused, he smiled placing his hand on my thigh.

"You'll see." He said keeping his eyes on the road.

I texted my mom telling her I'll be at Chloe house for a bit and I'd let her know when I was coming home. It wasn't unusual for me to stay at her house considering I did most of the time so she wouldn't be confused. I looked out the window to see we were getting on the free way. I was confused but excited to see where we were going.

𝐵𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘 𝐼𝑛- 𝚓𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙷𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now