𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 17

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After standing in the bathroom for a few minutes I walked out and back to the table, put food was already there. I sat down in my spot and out of the corner of my eye I could see Jaden smirking, I ignored it and ate my food. I decided to get on Jaden nerves a bit so I started talking to Mark.

"So Mark, you seeing anyone?" I ask sipping my drink.

"Not at the moment." He said taking a bit out of his food.

"Wouldn't have guess that, your too good looking to be single." I said and Jaden turned his head to look at me.

"What just saying." I said to him and took a bite of my food.

"Doesn't mean I'm not looking for anyone if you know what I mean." He said winking at me, I smiled at him.

"You better watch it, I think your pissing J off." Cole said to Mark trying not to laugh. Mark kept quiet after that and Jaden kept his head down eating his food.

"Do you work out Cole?" I asked, I felt Jaden tense beside me.

"Ya I try to every morning." He said looking up at me. I nodded.

"You can really tell even through your shirt." I said looking him up and down. Jaden let out a laugh, but not in the way like something was funny, more like he was mad, and I mean mad.

"You okay?" I asked Jaden touching his shoulder. He turned to look at me.

"Ya all good here." He said turning back to eat.

Once everyone was done eating we all got ready to leave. Jaden got called over to talk to James along with a few others so I stood and talked to Kim, we exchanged numbers too. A few minutes later Jaden came back, he said goodbye to some people and the put his hand behind my back and we left.

"Well that was fun." I said as we left the building. He didn't say anything, he just looked at me. We got over to his car and got in, he started the car and drove off. The ride was silent, I could tell he was mad, but to be honest it was kinda hot.

"What's wrong?" I asked turning to him. He didn't respond, or even look at me, he just looked out the road.

"Okay well I need to go back to my house so if you could drop me off there I would really appreciate it." I said too him, but again he ignored me. I had a feeling I wasn't going home though.

He pulled into the garage that was in his apartment building. He parked the car and got out.

"Hey I said I need to go home." I said getting out of the car, he walked right out of the garage. I followed now scared that he was really mad at me. I followed him to the elevator and we walked in, he pushed the button to his floor, we stood there in silence until the elevator dinged and the door opened. We walked out and down the hall to his door, he unlocked it and opened the door holding it so I could come in. He closed the door locking it behind me.

"Hey-" I was cut off by him pushing me up against the door and placing his hands on either side of my head.

"You think it's funny huh? To flirt with my friends right in front of me?" He said in my ear, he chuckled coming back to my face.

"Your gonna wish you never did that." He said looking at me.

𝐵𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘 𝐼𝑛- 𝚓𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙷𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now