Please Florida..

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(3rd person)

"Well you were the one who caused Florida to be 4 different people in the first place!" 

"W-what?" East said, surprised and shacking. "East I can explain!" W.F said, going over to her and grabbing her hand. "Don't touch me! You have cause me SO much pain you jerk!" E.F said, starting to cry. Ohio was sitting on the couch, surprised and worried this would turn into a fight. "East It was a honest mistake trust me this once! I was angry at you and North and couldn't control my emotions!" W.F said, trying to give East Florida a hug, "The past hundred years, you have cause so much pain for me, and I believed you when you said you didn't cause it! You lied right to my face.. You caused poor Florida more pain then anyone else and made her almost kill her favorite person in the world! Just because you couldn't control your anger! West Florida, you have gone to far! This needs to end and its ending right now!" East Florida shouted, grabbing a Knife from the Coffee table. 

Confederate tried grabbing the knife from her, but North/South Florida attacked him. "East you are not okay right now! Please stop!" West Said, backing up into the kitchen and grabbing a cutting board for protection. "Funny how you sound like me when you stabbed me in the eye!" East shouted, throwing the knife at West's head. Usa grabbed East Florida from behind and knocked her to the floor, E.F started growling and hissing at Usa and tried biting her.

North/South Florida came up to W.F and hugged her after a second, they merged and became one person, looking more like Florida, except they where missing her eye patch that had Florida's state symbol. East Florida saw that Usa's arm was close enough to bite and full blown chomped her arm, giving no mercy. Usa let out a screech and grabbed her arm,  getting of of Florida to wash it quickly because it was bleeding. East Florida spat out Usa's blood and stood up, glaring at W/S/N.F "Don't East, If you hurt us you hurt Southie!" W/S/N.F said, grabbing Eats Florida's heavily Bandaged arm. "If you come back, we can be one again, and Florida will be okay!" (Okay Im calling when West, South, and North Florida are together, its going to be called Rida, cause its going to take forever if I do it the other way.) "I don't ever want to be a person with any of you every again! Not after you lied to me!" East Florida screamed, backing up. "East, I swear to god I will attack you and make you join this body if you don't listen!" Rida said, walking forwards. America was trying to help Confederate and Usa, letting the Florida's figure they situation out them selves.

Rida then pounced on East Florida, wrapping her arms around her. "LET ME GO!" East Florida said, squirming around. The last thig East Florida said before she was merged with Rida was this, "¡Te mataré más tarde!" Then she disappeared.

Florida fluttered her eyes open, holding the back of her head. She stood up and looked at the mess around her. Usa was trying to disinfect her bite, Confederate was holding a ice bag up to his head, America was running between Usa and Confederate, trying to make sure they where okay, and Ohio was slapping Indiana, trying to get him awake. "What happened?" Florida asked,  walking over to Confederate. "Nothing to worry about sweetie, just sit down and rest..." Confederate said, grabbing the knife out of his leg. Florida shrugged and skipped down the hall, going to go play with Isabella.

Confederate was shocked that Florida didn't remember a thing, "America, I don't think its a good thing she doesn't remember.." he said, looking down as America wrapped his bleeding leg. "Its for the best." She answered, patting his knee.  "America!!!!! What if my arms becomes infected!! what if them have to cut it off!!!! ahHhhHhhHHHhH" Usa screamed, shaking her hand every where. "Calm down Usa!! I'm coming!" America said, running over to her. 

"Welp, that was the  weirdest thing I have ever seen, and I have seen Florida trying to eat a spoon." Ohio said, shrugging. Confederate looked at her, forgetting she was sitting there. "Well, I'm going to take a night long nap, wake me up when I'M 30."With that  Ohio walked out the room, heading for her bedroom.

(We might see the Florida's later on! Well, Bye my little blood suckers!)

{Not edited}

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