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North Carolinas POV


I turned around and saw my siblings in shock. "What are you doing here?" Asked Nasa, the calmest she's ever been. "Indiana called me, he told me where you guys where and told me something horrible was happening. He didn't tell me what he just said come as fast as you can." Canada said calmly. 

Mom came in and stared speaking Danish again "wat er gebeurt kinderen (What is happening children)?" Momma stopped and looked at Canada, she had D.C and Guam in her arms, she looked like she was going to drop them. "De VS komen hier! ( Usa come here!)" She said in panic. I was sitting next to my groaning sister. Usa entered and stared at Canada. Confederate comes up behind Usa and whispers in her ear. Usa's eye's widen and she stared at Canada. " Can Can?" Usa asked quietly, she let out a scream and jumped on Canada. 

America's eye glowed yellow then she stepped back, holding D.C close to her. "G-get away." She said pointing at Canada. We where all confused and he stepped closer, " Sis, I know you ran away for reason's but believe me, everyone miss's you. " Canada says trying to calm her down. "You hurt mijn kind (My child) D.C can't even look at Fuego (Fire) Thank to you." America said stepping back more and bumping the wall behind her, D.C decided to make it the worse time and yell, " FUCK!" Everyone looked at her and she giggled. 

Florida woke up with a scream you could hear for miles. "Mama!" Florida said bawling. "Florida I'm here..." I said holding her hand as she cried. " I'm sorry North Carolina...  I couldn't stop her! She was controlling my every move!" Florida started bawling and explain how this demon thing trapped her in her own mind. "Texas? Where Texas? ¡¿Mi hermana?! ( My sister)! Did I kill her? North I need to know." Florida said urgently, starting to freak out 

Texas walked over with her crutch and Florida started sobbing an sorry to her. Canada stared talking to Confederate while holding the weight of Usa on him. Florida calmed down and was now sleep on Texas's lap while the Dakota twins fought about bison.

 Momma came back out to cook dinner, but instead of giving D.C too one of the older states, she had D.C in a baby carrier strapped to her back. D.C had a stuff animal she was playing with and momma started pulling things out of the refrigerator ready to make food. I looked back and Canada was staring at Momma but Delaware whispered something in his ear.  

I get up and start helping Momma with dinner, i chopped Carrots and diced a onion, I didn't know what she was doing but just chopped anything she gave me. She put everything on a pot of water and put it on the stove, she then pulled out flour, water, yeast, and started mixing them. She put the dough in a bowl and put a towel on it, waiting for it to rise. Momma grabbed a stack of plates and handed me some, together we set the table. 

America's POV.

I stare at the person in my house, I don't remember him a lot but I do remember him hurt my Kind(Child). D.C hated fire, and it was thanks to him!  I grab a oven mitt and pulled the bread out of the oven, I grabbed the pot of soup and put it on the kitchen table. I put the 4 loafs of bread on the table as well. "Diners klaar ( Dinners ready!)" I yelled, i felt the ground shake as states came flying down the stairs. I don't remember half of my life, but I can remember everything I have ever done with my states, they where my sun, the only thing keeping me sane.

Everyone was at the table, states helping states get food, kids falling asleep at the table head first into the soup (Delaware and Nasa). Then there was Canada, he was at the other end of the table, across from me, i was glaring at him as I watched D.C eat. Usa was next to him, whispering to him. 

I look over at Florida, she was on the couch with Texas, both of them still crying from earlier. I looked to my right at the territories, they each had a stuff animal and where playing with them as they ate, Nasa and Delaware where wiping there faces, clearing any trace of soup left. Confederate was talking with North Carolina about who knows what.  i feel something wet on my sleeve and looked down at me arms, they where laying on the table, and the table cloth around my arms where stained red. D.C saw the red and started crying, I push my chair back and stand up. Everyone looks at me in surprise. One of my rules was no one is aloud to stand up at the table unless the need to go to the bathroom. I walked over to the kitchen sink and put my bloody arms under the water and grabbed the bandages from the counter. 

Confederate got up and put his hand on my shoulder, I looked up at him, feeling tears in my eyes. For no reason at all I started crying, its half because I was emotionally unstable with all the crap that went down in my house. I hear a chair creek and before I knew it someone was hugging me from the back. By how tight the hug was I could tell you it was Delaware. 

I was sobbing at this point, feeling my head starting to hurt (When I cry, i get a head ache. Does that happen to everyone else?)

I finish up sobbing and push them away, telling them im okay. I wipe my eyes and sit on the couch, "Texas go eat ill hold her" I tell the puffy faced Texan. I grab Florida and put her on my lap, then I felt my self drifting off to sleep.

(Hey my little blood suckers, sorry for not posting in a while. I just over came my writers block and found new ideas! shout out to 

@statehumansmaryland For rping with me during that time.

@ThePsychopath7 For Being my online friend.

Bye my little blood suckers!)

{Not Edited}

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