The Native Americans.

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America was sitting with Hawaii and D.C in a field of green grass, that's when the world around her started going white and a figure stood before her, she was confused and wasn't moving a muscle until the figure started speaking.

"America, I don't have much time listen! What ever you do don't listen to Te-" And the figure disappeared. America shook her head, thinking it was just a dream. D.C giggled and hugged America staring up at her with beautiful eyes. America giggled and patted D.C's head, grabbing Hawaii and pulling her close.

"Mama, do you remember your Mama at all?" The 9 year old asked, smiling as she started up into the sky. "Well, she was the prettiest woman alive, she had long hair that flew in the wind like birds and eyes that would make you cry out in joy. She was the strongest and most fearless person I knew. She reminds me of you, she would be so proud of you and would hug you." America answered, tearing up a tad. "Do you remember my Older sister (Thats what Hawaii called the Hawaii before her)?" Hawaii asked again. "Well. I don't remember much of her but, She was beautiful, just like you. She loved to play games and hide in trees, she would protect her people with her life, she was a really great person." America answered again, braiding Hawaii's hair as she hummed. 

"Do you remember you other mama?" Hawaii asked again, being curios. "Well, its all very blurry, but I do have a memory of her, I remember her wishing me and my siblings a good bye and hugging each of the 578 of us. When She left my Mama started crying and would cry every night, she missed her." America said, grabbing flowers from her own hair to put in Hawaii's. 

"Did you ever like someone like how Nasa likes Cosmos?" Hawaii asked again. "You are full of questions this evening aren't you my little flower?" America asked, smiling. "Yes, I am."

"Well, I have done it twice. Once I liked this girl, she was around my age and had a big family like ours. She found me reading a book in a tree while our fathers talked. She asked me what book I was reading and I answered her. She said she didn't know how to read so I taught her. We were friends for years and year, then World War I broke out and we were separated and we haven't seen each other since. (How ever can guess who it is gets a virtual hug) Then I once liked this boy, he said he liked me back and we fell in love, then something happened, he didn't like me anymore and liked another person that I knew, I helped them get together. It broke my heart that no one will ever actually like me, but I swore after that to never fall in love again." America explained, pouring her whole life story on Hawaii. 

Hawaii smiled and flopped onto the grass next to D.C, suddenly D.C threw some grass at Hawaii's face making her giggle. America suddenly felt the erg to stab someone 15 times and watch the blood leak out of their body, but pushed the thought so the back of her head when she felt two sets of arms wrap around her neck. 

Nasa then sat next to her along with Pennsylvania. "So, what's the plan now?  Move back here? Rebuild a house?" Nasa asked, letting Pennsylvania sit in her lap so she could braid her hair. "I was thinking of a house on this hill, Florida would love the view, Texas would love the space, and so much more. Its the perfect plot of land. No trees near by to burn down, but still enough around to climb." America answered, sighing.

"What's wrong?" Nasa asked, grabbing a hair tie and putting half of Pennsylvanian's hair into a bun to keep it out of the way. "Russia invited me to hang out with her as a 'Thank you for showing your ass wasn't dead' gift, I want to go, but know its not going to end w-" America couldn't finish her sentence when Spain burst through the front door of his house, being chased by Texas and Georgia.

"America your kids are attacking me!!!!" Spain yelled, dodging Texas's punch. "What did you do?" "I might have upset Maryland by saying you can't get drunk at important times like this, and they all took it personally." Spain answered, ducking.

"Guys let him go," America said, patting Texas's foot, "Don't you have to look after Florida?"  Texas's eyes opened and she ran back inside, dragging Georgia behind her.

"Remember when Mama would take all 578 of us to the Delaware river's little creeks it would create and would let us play? I remember when you were still blind, a frog touched your leg and freaked out, you like jumped into Cherokees arms and started crying." Spain chuckled, looking off into the distance.

"Yea and then you made fun of her for being a child magnet. What did you ever have against her?" America asked, putting her head against Nasa's shoulder. "It was more of a, lovable fight. It happened around when you and Confederate were born, she had snapped my spear in half because I took her wooden deer and burned it, and that's when we decided to hate each other." Spain was holding back laughter at this point, so was America, everyone else was confused. 

"Do you remember when Mama was giving birth to baby Yuman and me and Confederate thought she was screaming for no reason! Do you remember that look on Confederates face when Mother brought the baby out to show us all? I remember his words like yesterday , "It looks like a hairless Beaver with fangs!" God, that was so funny. Oh! Remember when Mother had picked mama up and kissed her and everyone started screaming and all of you older guys were slapping hands against us younger guys eyes. I remember Confederate passed out, and you were screaming and turning our siblings in the opposite direction, and Roanoke said this: Well, at least they are not showing us how they had Yuman." Spain and America burst out in laughter and Nasa chuckled at the though. Hawaii and D.C looked confused, and Pennsylvania was asleep in Nasa's lap. 

Spain and America continued laughing and sharing old times they remembered until in became dark, that's when everyone came outside and stared at the stars. Everyone was pointing at the different constellations  and stars they saw. Spain and America looked at each other and smiled before America started slowly drifting off to sleep from the sounds around her.

{Not edited}

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