Sneak peak Into the next book.

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64 ways to come back to life: 

"I believe this should go to you, It went to the oldest child who is alive in our bloodline. Your Great-Great-Grandmother started it, after the whole Britain mess the first time, it was granted to your mother from your grandmother. Since she is gone now, it can go to you or Pennslvainnia." Spain explained, putting the rainbow feathered necklace in Delaware's hand. Delaware put in around his neck and smiled, letting a tear run down his face.

"I think its time..." France said, looking over at Confederate, who was holding the crying Rhode Island. "I believe I haven't said my goodbye.." A voice behind America said, she turned around and saw the one and only Britain. When Hawaii saw him she went full killer  mode, she screeched and started running at him, only to be stopped by Alaska and California. "Let me kill him!" She screamed, struggling to get out of the two's grips. Britain walked over to the coffin and opened America's limp hand, he put something in it and shut it again.

"I'm sorry for what I have done Sunshine, I will miss you.. please forgive me." He whispered. He turned around and walked away, trying his best not to be stabbed or shot. America looked at Native, who was standing up. All the flowers that were around her lost the glow they had, and crinkled up and died. "Come on Buttercup, I think its time to go back home." Native said, holding out a hand for America to take. America slowly put her hand on Natives and they walked back to the gate way. 

When America glanced behind her, she saw everyone parting their ways. The last thing she heard before returning to the other side of the gate way,  was a scream of sadness from France behind her. 

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