A Angry southerner

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U.N was sitting at her desk feeling a horrible wave of depression come over her, All the countries at the U.N meeting were telling story's about America and saying their goodbyes, they did this every time a personification dies, each one of them can have a whole different personality so saying goodbye helps with getting over their deaths, they haven't done this a lot, only accouple times, usually for a Empire that falls. Everyone knew it was bad when North Korea burst into tears, she was sobbing and banging her head against the desk. Poland was speaking about how America was like a sister to her and how America helped her through the rough times in her life. When the door to the meeting room was kicked off the frame, everyone turned their heads, not expecting for this to happened. There stood Confederate with Usa next to him, both of them angry. He marched up to U.Ns desk and stared at her, daggers in his eyes. "Where is my sister." He said sharply, Usa behind him with a shot gun. U.N was scared out of her mind and started fearing for her life when Usa loaded the shot gun, "She isn't here. She is at a funeral home." A Voice behind the said, when they turned around they saw Delaware sitting in her spot, he got up and hugged Confederate and Usa dropped her gun when Hawaii came running up to her, she picked Hawaii up and rubbed her back feeling tears on her shoulder. Soon enough the room was filled with 62 other people, all Americas kids, but no one knew where Nasa was. 

Suddenly D.C came into the room flailing her arms. "Penny is trying to hur hur self! Stars no stop her!" She screamed, running up to Delaware, everyone but Delaware and Maryland looked confused, they both under stood what they called "D.C language" Maryland stayed still but Delaware ripped himself from Confederates grip, grabbed D.C and started running towards to exit, all the states looked at Maryland and he soon sat on the ground and curled into a ball, Virginia picked him up and looked straight into his eyes "What Did D.C say?" Virginia asked straightly, not wanting any messing around. "Pennsylvania is trying to hurt herself, Nasa can't stop her." He yelped, curling back into a ball on the floor. Confederate looked towards France and sighed, "Can we talk.. In private?" He asked softly in a thick southern accent, no one was ever seen him this calm before. 

France stood up and followed him out the door, having Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Wyoming, Louisiana, and Indiana following. "Whats wrong?" She asked, sitting down in one of the chairs. "I saw this, around 3 years ago I saw a dream like this, a shadow figure standing in front of America and holding a gun, he then shot her. How did I see this?" He said quietly, pinching  the bridge of his nose and sighing. 

"Does this look familiar?" France asked, pulling her glove off, reveling her black hand.  "HOLY MOTHER OF TEXAS!" Indiana shouted, pointing at Frances hand. "Guys! That's what D.C has! But on her leg! She has a spot like that! I just thought she burned herself! How did you get that?" Indiana said excitedly, forgetting about the situation with his mother, France just looked even more gloomy. Soon Confederate shooed the crazy states away and turned back to France. 

"Do you have any clue?" He asked, leaning in his chair, instead of answering France stood up and started walking Towards the door. Confederate hopped up and followed her, scared if what she was doing. After she reached her car she opened it with her keys and started going through the trunk till she found a book that looked older then she was. She opened it and started going through the old pages, when Confederate looked at the cover, it said this:

Native and Frances. 

Each of their names wrote differently, after France searched through the book, she sighed in anger, "I will tell you later, lets just go back inside...." France said softly, tears in her eyes, Confederate started walking back to the doors when he saw France yelling at the sky, she was screaming "Pourquoi tu ne peux pas m'aider ? Pourquoi quand j'avais le plus besoin de toi, tu ne réponds pas !" She kept repeat this until she broke down in tears and sat on the edge of the trunk, crying her heart out, Confederate went back inside to tears of kids and Pennsylvania sitting in a chair with bandages wrapped around her arms and legs, Delaware was sitting next to her and wasn't letting her go anywhere, Multiple Countries were in the room with the kids, trying to calm them down. 

Hawaii was latched onto Usa and was balling, North and South Carolina were having panic attacks and they usually calm each other down, but they just made it worse for each other and no one could calm them down. The Territories were confused, and the rest of the states were gloomy and trying not to cry. Confederate felt a burst of anger shoot inside of him and took Usa's shot gun and started walking towards the meeting room. Usa quickly stood up and grabbed his arm. 

"Listen, we are both mad, but killing him is going to do nothing! You listen to me, drop the gun." Usa growled, stepping between Confederate and the meeting doors. "We just lost the most Important person in our life and you want me to let it go!? Move Usa, I'm going to shoot him!" Confederate said angerly, shoving Usa out of the way. 

"Thats it, Delaware get all the younger states out, now." Usa said, throwing her full body weight on Confederate, the gun was knocked out of his hands and the two started wrestling. "Let me go you bloody Yankee!" Confederate yelled, hitting Usa in the face. "I'm not a Yankee bastard!" Usa yelled, getting him pinned down on the floor and sitting on his back. 

"Listen, you will calm down! We both new something would happen like this! We need to accept it!" Usa yelled, trying to get him to stop squirming. Suddenly hundreds of country came through the door only to find Usa on top of Confederate. Britain looked at Usa horrified, "Stop staring old man- CONFEDERATE STOP FUCKING SQUIRMING!" Usa yelled, hitting the back of Confederates head. Usa suddenly got off of Confederate, walked over to one of the chairs, picked it up, and ran full speed at Confederate, hitting him in the head with the chair, knocking him out.

Multiple countries had horrified faces when Confederate started bleeding from the back of his head, Usa just grabbed his foot and dragged him towards the door, WHO then spoke up "You should help him, he might get blood lose or have a concussion" He said quietly, hiding behind U.N. Usa then turned around, everyone could see her eye twitching. "Listen here Motherfucker, I have stopped my Daughter from  suicide today, I learned my sister (That is what Usa calls America) Is dead because of some mistake, I have 63 children to take care of, and have to deal with this jackass getting himself into trouble, If you tell me what to do one more time, I will shoot you." Usa growled, grabbing Hawaii and putting her on her shoulders "Any questions?" Everyone stared at her horrified and didn't answer, Usa just turned around and dragged Confederates unconscious body out the door. 

{Not Edited}

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