FlashBack 7 (Two/Three)

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(Most Of Flashback 7 is going to be Spanish's POV.)

Confederate, Spain, Portugal, and I are the ones who are heading back to land. Cherokee, Navajo, Chippewa, and Sioux are going to stay here and keep the place running.  "Britain's boat hasn't left yet, if we get on and hide in one of the mini boats, we could just make it!!" Confederate said, slowly sinking into the water. We followed behind him, making sure to be as quiet as possible. When we reached the boat we saw only a few people where on, "Looks like Britain got lost" Spain said, smiling.

          *                           *                            * ( They hid and so on, know it when the react shore, so about three months.) 

Confederates POV.

My mother looked around the dock, her eyes were sad looking. I follow behind her, linking hands with Spain and Portugal. Some guy turned around and gasped, she grabbed him and starting yelling in Spanish, I was too far to hear what she was saying, but I guess he said something bad after she punched him square in the face ad threw him into the water.

I never seen my Mother aggressive, and I can tell you its damn scary. I follow behind her as she pulls her middle finger to alot of people. We make it to a park bench, and she sits down, patting next to her, motioning for us to sit down. "Ive thought something up, I believe its time for you Spain,  to be on your own with Portugal. Start a family, go live it the woods, I don't want you two to stop anything that happens for me." My mother said, looking forwards. "Mother, I don't want to leave you alone!" Spain said, squeezing Portugal into a hug, I feel half bad for the poor girl. " Spain, do this for your Mamma.... You know what she always wanted?" My Mother said, starting to tear up. "What...?" Spain asked.

"Her Dream was to have her whole Family living with her, she wanted grandchildren running around playing, maybe even meeting her Great-grandchildren. She told be a while back, she would do anything to be able to stay alive forever, just for you guys. When we got older, our plan was to retire and Promote you Chief Spain, but after your Aunt called, that plan was shattered in a million pieces.... I'm asking you one favor, just for your Momma, help her accomplish what she dreamed of.." Mother's face was red and tears were dripping on the floor. Spain looked at Portugal and nodded. "Well do it mommy....." Spain said, Mother started bawling, having the slightest smile on her face.

I patted her back, looking ahead, I saw a girl climbing out a window, she had a set of twins behind her. She bent down and whispered to them, then slid down the roof. She landed of her feet and put her arms out, getting ready to catch one of the twins. I looked over and saw Spain watching the girl too. The last twin looked nervous, put after another figure handed them what looked like a stuffed animal, they took a breath and slid down the roof too, falling into the first girls arms. 

The last Figure came into view, he looked slightly older then the first girl. He looks into the window and jumped, he quickly slid down and landed into the girls arms. The girl grabbed one of the twins then started running away from the house, down a side walk. I stand up, so does Mother and Spain, Portugal was on Spain's back. I started fats walking the way they went, we were still in the park when I spotted them, they where sitting down, leaning on the back of a tree. I find the closes bench and sit down, I could hear them loud and clearly.  

Mother sits next to me and Spain and Portugal sit on the other bench across from us, on the other side of the path. 

"Fathers going to hurt you if he found out we left the house!" The older boy said.

"Do not address him 'Father' when you are around me.... That mans not a father, he a dirty no good bas-" The older girl tried saying but the older boy pointed at the twin "Baker, hes a no good baker." 

"Can can.... what if daddy hurts America?" the male twin asked, holding his stuffed animal. "Kiwi, your father will not hurt me... I promise."

I look at Mother and she looks confused, happy, sad, and angry at the same time. 

"Kiwi!!!Guess what I found!!!!" The twin with long braids said, her hands behind her back. "What...?" Asked the boy named Kiwi. The girl put her arms in front of her, releveling a snake and a spider. Kiwi passed out and America started laughing, I knew this was our America by the laugh.

Mother is crying again, this time with a smile.

"Back to subject.. America give me your arms." The person named Can said. I could see America starting to sweat. "America what did you do?" Can asked. "I couldn't stop myself!!! There was this voice!!! It was saying things about me!!!! It said if I wanted it to go away i had to!!!" America said, putting her head between her knees. I had no clue what she was talking about. 

America heard something and turned around, facing Mother. She walked up to mother and tapped her shoulder. "Sir and you okay?" (Sir because she thought that Spanish Empire was a man because she dress's in male clothes) She looks at me, she stares at me for a good long period before turning around shaking her head. Mother had told her she was okay, and Can came over and grabbed her arm. At first she hissed but covered her mouth. 

"Did you just hiss at me?" Asked Can. "I'm sorry Canada!!! I didn't mean too!" She said, backing up. "I'm not mad, just You've never hissed at me before." This man and Multiple names!!! Can, Canada, Can can, PICK ONE!  

"I'm sorry, I'm just having bad flash backs..." America said, Portugal and Spain went to go find food, so there bench was empty, America and Canada sat down on it. "Is it about your Mother's and Brothers?" Canada asked. "Her name was Mamma, not Mother... I had two moms remember... it hurts my Mamma's feelings when you call her mother..."  America said, referring to Native. "America, your Mamma's dead..... but what happened to your Mother?" Canada asked. 

"I'm not exactly sure... I remember walking with my mamma every night to the dock and waiting for her. My older brother, Spain, told me when he came back he would bring me a speical thing from Europe.... but they never came back. I remember the first year she was gone... Mamma cried every night into my mothers pillow.. The last word's she said, according to my older sister was. "Tell Spanish I said 'ᎠᏋᏌ ᎬᎨᏳᎢ ᎠᎩᏍᏗ ᏂᎯ ᏧᏕᏘᏴ' I never knew what it meant." America was sobbing at this point. " I miss my family!!! I miss my twin!! I miss my Mommy and Momma!" 

Canada was rubbing her back, then the twins came over and hugged America. They all stopped when Britain was in View of them. I wanted to hop on his back and choke him.... but we are in his territory now, he can do what ever he likes. He comes up and smacks America across the face. " Thirteen- Colonies! You took your siblings, almost killed them, and ran away?!" He screamed at her. "Your not my Father!!! You killed my Mother and Mamma!" America said, standing up and staring at him. "I rescued you from the hell you were in!" He screamed, "YOU LET ME SEE MY OWN BROTHER DIE BEFORE MY EYES!" She motioned for Canada to get the twins away. 

He then lost his control, he kicked her in the stomach and watched her crumple up on the ground. "I saved you from the hell your Mothers where going to do to you.. Do you know what? They where going to sell you to one of the other countries. Because you are a mistake." He said looking down at her. I was so angry! I wanted to punch him, but I was holding my mother down from getting up.

She was slowly losing her conscious, that blow to the ground can kill someone. He grabbed her by the back of her dress and dragged her down the street. I feel someone behind me and turn around. It was the little boy named Kiwi. "I-if you saw that... Can you help my sister...?" He asked before running away. 

"We need to get America back.... right away...." Mother said, benching the metal the bench was made out of. I am Scared and freaked out.

(BoOm. Bye my littel blood suckers)

{Not edited}

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