Florida's gone mad.

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Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina where all around and fire, Florida was playing with an lighter and North Carolina was sharpening an knife on a rock. Alabama, and Mississippi where cuddling, Alabama's finger and turned gray like Florida had and Mississippi's where black and Crimson. 

Georgia wasn't being impacted by Florida and she was fine. She was worried that if she turned all the other states would be doomed to how string Florida was when angry. 

Georgia's POV

I watched as North Carolina cut her hand and yelped. I looked over at Florida, her eyes blinked from black to her old colors, "Northie!!! I told you to be careful!" Florida said grabbing  her sleeve with her teeth and ripping it. She wrapped it around North Carolinas hand and grabbed a vine and tied it off. There is still good left in her.. I though, only one way to test that. I pinched Alabama's butt and he screeched and jump forwards towards the fire, he started falls and the next thing I knew it Florida was in front of him, holding him up by his  arms. "Idiot! If you die on me I will kill you!" Florida said marching back over to the hurt Carolinian. 

Then Carolina started wailing, a deep ugly sob. "Flo!!!! I miss South!!!!!! Florida!  I want to be with you but south! Florida I miss Mama!" North sobbed into Florida's arm. Florida patted her head then North Carolina got up and rubbed her nose. "Florida I'm very emotional right now but serious question, when was the last time you wore deodorant." North Carolina said wiping tears from her eyes. 

Florida looked down at her hands and started counting. "37 days!!! That when we ran out of deodorant!" She said grabbing North Carolina and shoving her head into her armpit. North Carolina was laughing and smiling again. I though evil Florida would be Confederate drunk crazy, but boy was I wrong. And trust me, Confederate when he is drunk is the worst thing ever. 

Mississippi had fallen asleep and was snoring and Alabama was squirming under him trying to set herself free. Florida stopped still in her tracks and her whole body started vibrating, then she bet down and started puking nasty gray throw up. North Carolina squeaked and patted Florida's back as she barfed. Alabama looked terrified and Mississippi woke up to the sound.

Florida finished puking and North Carolina hayed her down the, Florida passed out. "What the hell was that?" I asked  looking straight at North Carolina. "If you cared about her you would know, but since you are with us.. That is one consequence to joining her own side, she has not stopped puking since you guys almost killed her in the basement." North Carolina said grabbing a woven straw basket from behind a log and started going through it. She pulled out Garlic, Tomatoes, peppers, parsley, carrots, and celery. She walked over to the stream and filled the pot the walked back over. She cut all the ingredients then threw then in the pot. She put the lid over in and placed it in the fire. 

   "Any of you have wounds?" North Carolina said grabbing Florida's arm and undoing the bandages, checking for any new slits then putting some cream on her arm the putting new bandages on Florida. 

"I have bleed on my leg from that fish the was acting crazy the i hooked my skin." Alabama said shrugging. " How bad is it like, little scratch, band aid, or bloods every where." North Carolina said kicked Florida's side as she got up. "Band aid" Alabama said lifting up her pant leg to show a disgusting looked gap. 

North Carolina rolled her eyes and grabbed a band Aid from her pocket and put it on Alabama. Florida's eyes shot open then  she screamed as she clutched her stomach. "Flo.... Im trying to look for the pain killers!!! We are out!" North said dumping ever basket they had.  Florida was crying black tears and screaming. I grabbed my screaming sister, who I might add was shorter then me- and started rocking back and forth singing. 

The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I bowed my head and I cried

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

I've always loved you and made you happy
And nothing else could come between
But now you've left me, to love another
You have shattered all of my dreams

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away 

Usually that calmed any states down but Florida kept crying and begging for the pain to stop. I shout at Alabama and Mississippi and they darted towards our house. 

During her screaming she would stop and start arguing with herself as if someone else was in her head. I saw 4 figures, North Carolina saw them and disappeared into thin air. The 4 figures where. America, Confederate, Delaware, and the one and only Texas.

When they got up here i look at momma and asked. "Can you help her mama?"  she answered "Ik weet het niet" Florida was particle releasing female screams that could be heard miles away.  "Hoe krijg ik het om mijn mond te houden?" (Only one i am translating, :How can I get it to shut up?)

North Carolina came into sight, touched Florida, and they both disappeared "Wat!?! " Momma said looking at her arms. "Mama hasn't gotten better has she?" I asked Confederate. "She remembers Delaware and claim that his birth was like knifes into skin." Confederate said sighing. "She remembers how to speak English but doesn't know what it means or when someone talks to her in it. She knows Spanish, Dutch, French, and Cherokee."  He said staring at America who was looking for Florida every where. 

I sighed and Texas patted my back. I look up at her face and saw the gloomy look she had. "Its not your fault Georgia, heck it isn't even Florida's fault. She will come back to us." Texas said putting the Cowboy hat over her eyes. 

Then I noticed Alabama and Mississippi where missing.

Hello my vampire bats :D I have the slightest writers block but I think I will get over it. 

Bye my little Vampire bats!

{Not edited}

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