Journal Entry

221 3 3

(Cuss warning)


Dear Diary,

I might act like a idiot to make people laugh, but I'm not stupid. Florida's acting weird again, and it worries me, a lot. It happened after she accidently dropped a plate on the ground after tripping over Hawaii who was playing on the ground, Hawaii wasn't hurt but Florida was, but instead of helping Florida, New York and New Jersey yelled at Florida because she could have hurt Hawaii, even if she was the one bleeding. 

On the other hand, my mothers acting weird too, puking and having horrible fits. They both worry me. Hawaii is becoming old enough to realize life isn't going to stop for you and wait, you will have to go on, it makes me feel bad because she is only 7. 

I have noticed North Carolina hanging around Florida a lot, which is weird because they don't really hang out much, unless it was to prank someone.  I feel like our life has gone down hill, I miss when life was 'Perfect' but perfect doesn't last. Mom was been avoiding people and even worse, having horrible mood swings, I know exactly what is happening, and I don't think anyone but Delaware has noticed. 

Another thing I'm worried about is Hawaii, she is starting... she is starting to change, she is starting to become horribly moody and hates everything, she doesn't give anyone hugs anymore and threw away her stuffed fish she has had for 6 years. She snapped at New York when she started yelling at Florida, its all just going down hill.

Florida starting cutting herself again, I found a bloody pocket knife in the room we were staying, I don't want to call her out on it, so I just, hid all the sharp things, I can't get her to stop, no matter how many times I tell her she is perfect the way she is, she still can't listen. I blame all my siblings for putting to much presser on her and expecting the best from a kid.

I  can't seen to understand why everything changed, why did this happen. We will never truly know.


Pennsylvania, 6/5/(Blank, because i have no year this is taking place in,)

I haven't written in this book since 6th grade, well, I need to vent some where, even if it to a piece of paper. Long story short, I hate humanity and my siblings, why? The are all Jackass's. 

Moms in horrible shape, Alaska turned different, something is up with Hawaii ever since we went to the U.N meeting, Texas isn't loud and funny anymore, Florida has muted herself, Maine and Connecticut haven't been seen in days, Delaware is starting to become really mean to us, South Carolina and North Carolina have not left their room in two weeks, Ohio is starting to cry herself to sleep at night, Rhode island is going through a goth faze, Virginia, well they are just normal, keeping West Virginia safe, Georgia is missing her siblings, and I am just stuck in the middle of it all. That's all I have to say for now.


Ohio, 6-7-20 something

Fuck everyone here, fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you. 

Life has decided to kick me in the ass and throw me in the pit of snakes. I hate Michigan, I hate Indiana, I hate Illinois, I hate Pennsylvania, and hate almost everyone,  the treat me like crap. I'm thinking of actually living with the Tea bastard if this circle of depression in my life doesn't stop. Thats all.



"Life can beat you up sometimes,

But life is a circle of time.

Don't listen to the negative things,

they are there to blow you away in the wind.

Life is a wish granted to the true,

don't let others beat you through.

Depression is caused in more ways then one,

Usually through others blabbery tongues.

You are perfect the way you are,

But people will leave you with scars." 

-N.J (*Cough Cough* Me)



I feel, off. Like, everything around me is different, or I have been living in a different world all together, one moment everything is happy and cheery, and a blink of a eye it falls apart under my feet, everything is quiet now, too quiet. I never just want to hear a excited squeak from Hawaii, or a laughing from Florida, a 'Yew- Haw' from Texas, or a Song from New York, But everything is quiet, so that I see,  life will never be normal again after this tragedy.


(Thought it would be cool to see what different states felt about what's happening)

{Not edited}

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