8- Taking the Steps

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My heart paused as his voice welcomed my ear. Tell him you love him. “Hi. Uh it’s Rein.” I mumbled. IDIOT! He obviously knows that.


“Yeah.” Kale responded in a bored tone that almost seemed to just say ‘uh duh I knew that.’

I paused for a long moment. What should I say? “Can you uh . . . tell Christine and Michael that I’ll be staying at a friend’s for a week or so?” I asked numbly trying to buy some time.

The line went quiet for a long moment. “Yeah okay.” he finally grumbled.

I waited for him to say something more. Anything more. Anything at all. But all I could hear was his breathing. “Thanks. That’s it then.” I paused and looked down at my sneakers. “Uhm bye.” I mumbled.

He didn’t say bye and I heard his breathing stop. “Wait Kale-“ I said in a rushed voice but it was cut off with the sound of him hanging up. My face fell and I could feel the anxiety raising inside me. He couldn’t have meant it last night. He couldn’t have.


“You okay?” I looked up to see who had spoken just in time to rip me from my depressed thoughts.

“Oh hey Megan.” I said wiping the look of hurt from my face and replacing it with a smile. I wasn’t the type to be a Debbie downer.

Megan shook her head and sat down next to me. “Don’t you dare hey Megan me. Spill, what’s on your mind?”

“These clothes are just really awkward.” I said hoping she’d go for the bait.

Megan’s long black hair caught the light of the hall just right making it shine beautifully as she turned to gaze at me. I couldn’t help but feel envious. I had always wanted to try black hair. Short black hair. It had always seemed like it would be shockingly pretty with my fair skin. I never dared to try it though.  “We should get back to shopping then. Where did Morisa go?” she asked, thank god, playing along.

I nodded. “She’s in there with Kayla I figured I’d wait until they finish.” I pointed to the jeans store behind me.

“Well then that means we have time to talk about what’s on your mind.” Brittany pitched in as she gave a triumphant smile.

“It’s nothing.” I shrugged. Their eyes bored into me, waiting for more. “Really.” I insisted lamely.

“So Kale’s nothing now?” Brittany asked cocking an eyebrow. His name stung and I just looked away from her. “I heard about what happened.”

“Everyone did.” I mumbled.

“Look, Kale’s an asshole. That’s just the way he is. I’ve always hated him.” Megan pitched in.

“You and him had a thing.” Brittany announced sounding confused.

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