chapter 28

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The guild was a ruckus again. Another fight was taking place and unsurprisingly it is Gray and Natsu standing at the center of it all. The minute Natsu stepped into the guild he picked a fight with the half naked Gray. Why, no one really knows. It just happened and soon the entire guild was pulled into it. Even Sting had joined the brawl and was happily taking down anyone he could.

"I'll kill you,you flame bastard! "Gray shouted as he came flying through the air with an icecannon at the ready.

"Id like to see you try, you damn stripper! "Natsu was on fire and seemed to be readying an iron fist.

Archer was nearby and watched the scene with a blank expression. She turned away from the scene and headed for a table in the corner of the guild, not at all caring about the collision that took place soon after. There was a crash and the sound of broken wood followed by angered shouts. All of that was ignored, although Archer did pity the old man who looked devastated. The old man couldn't stand to see his guild fall apart like this. Even though Archer can easily fix it up, it still hurt to watch. And Archer is unpredictable. What if she doesn't feel like fixing the guild? Usually she stops these fights but she was ignoring it at the moment.

Wendy was in the corner of the guild with some of the girls. They watched the brawl with worry while Cana dealt cards. The brunette didn't worry much. She managed to save her cards so she could care less about everything else right now. Lisanna and Levy on the other hand worried about the brawl spreading towards them. They really did not want to get involved in anyway. Erza didn't even seem to notice the brawl, seeing as she was too invested in her cake. That was another thing that worried the girls. If something happened to Erza's cake she'll get into everything and all hell will break loose. And if that happened Archer might finally step in and things could escalate even more.

"Why does this always happen? "Lisaana questioned as she watched her sister beat up a group of innocent guildmates for no apparent reason.

"This is fairy tail" Levy said absentmindly as she flipped through the pages of her book. She had learned from Cana that Archer's last name was Phoenix. She remembered reading something about that, but she couldn't remember the book. At the moment she had a stack of them in front of her and was quickly searching each with her glasses. She had a feeling it was something fascinating. Leave it up to her to forget about something like that.

"What are you looking for? "Lisanna asked as she took a look into her book.

"Archer's family"

Wendy made a sound at that and tried to look into the book as well.

"Why? "

"I just want to know. I had read something about them, but I can't even remember the book"

"What did you read? "Wendy asked.

"Something about them being considered godly creatures who did not bother themselves with us humans" Levy said.

"Seriously? "Cana suddenly took interest in this. "Why? "

"Archer said that there was no point to it since humans don't live as long as they do. So it's best to not interfere and risk getting attached" Wendy informed as she recalled what Archer had told her. "But Archy does get involved and I'm sure she's attached"

Levy stared at Wendy, a beaming smile forming on her face. Of course. Why was she searching through books while she had someone who knew Archer better than anyone rigt there with her.

"What else do you know? "it was Erza who asked this time. "Is Archer an actual Phoenix, or is she just a human with odd powers"

"Well-" before Wendy could finish her sentence Archer suddenly slid into the seat next to the child. Wendy brightened immediately and climbed into her lap.

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