Move In With Me

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It was too late to take the children inside and Matt was stood there. "Wow, you guys move fast!" he said. "Baby already." He reached out to touch Lilly and Isabella turned quickly so his hand grazed her back instead. I swated his hand away from her quickly. "Nina, come on." Chris said taking her and his baby inside away from all this. Isabella kept her back to him. Lilly started to get unsettled and Isabella sang and rocked her. 

"Get away from my baby!" Pheobe said coming back and pushing Matt onto the floor where we were once sat. She took Lilly from Isabella. "I swear if you've touched her i will end you!" Bee warned Matt. "You flipping creep! Coming around all the children you're a preditor!" She shouted at him kickign at him. "Hey. Hey it's okay... Take her inside." I redirector her.

"Ian I've called the cops." Paul called out. "Our the cops. Scary... I manipulated them before I'll do it again because this little whore likes taking photos in her-" I bitch slapped him. "Don't you dare! Slut shame her. For you're mistakes!" I said. "Well her screams when I was fucking her sounded like heaven to me." I lost it. He was laughing and making a mockery about what he had done! I let lose all my anger that i had towards him and my dad I let it out and it resulted in me being pulled off him by my girlfriend. "I'm not letting you go to jail for this idiot." She said holding my fist from hitting his face again. 

"Please... Just get me away from him." She said looking at me. I nodded and took her hand to move her but Matt had took it upon himself to hold onto her ankle. Isabella immediatly started to freak out. "No! No!" The cops came and arrested. The minute they got his hand off her I lifted her up and she wrapped herself around me tightly hiding away. "No." "I got you." I tell her. "I got you." 

"Matthew Davis I'm arresting you on the grounds of breaking your probation and giving false information in front of jury." They handcuffed him and he was walked out of the garden and the sirens were heard. 

Nina came out holding Noah close to her and she placed a hand on Izzie's back she gripped on to me tighter. "It's just Nina." I whisper to her and she relaxes a little. She kissed her head. "We got you baby... We got you." She told her softly. 


Three days of police questioning, three whole days. Isabella had to go through everything all over again. Logan came to stay with her to help her cope through it all. But she seemed to be handeling it best as expected. She had a few meltdowns but for the most part she did what she had to do and then she would just have a few moments to process it before she was okay to talk and stuff again. 

Currently we was laid on the Sofa at the Wesley's she was laid on her back Lilly sat on her tummy, Iza had hold of her hands to help her stay up. IIza's head was on my lap and i was looking down at her as she spoke with Bee and Nina. "I can't beleive we have a 5 month break!" Bee said. "I know. I can't wait!" Isabella said looking up at me smiling. We have already planned to go traveling for a bit. 

Get away from paps and news atricles, we were just going to do us for a few months and then deal with the consquences when we get home. We were leaving after Lilly's first birthday which is next month and we'll arriving in the UK the week of Isabella's birthday which is mid july so roughly three months. 

"Move in with me." I say and the room goes quiet. "Huh?" Bella said looking up at me not hearing what I said over Lilly's screaming that Bee insists is her trying to sing. "Move in with me." I repeated. "This is the part where you give him an answer." Paul Nudged her to say something. "I'm getting to it." She sassed him. "Of course I'll move in with you." "Really!" "Yeah." She said like it was obvious. "It makes sense for you two to live together... You're together a whole year... plus Izzie moves out of her apartments at the end of the season meaning she'll have to rent a new place." "I said yes Bee I don't need anymore encourgment." Izzie laughed. I kissed her softly and whilst I did that Lilly leant forward and pulled my hair so I couldn't move more than a centimeter from Iza's face. She laughed and tried not to because of the close proximity she failed and I just had to deal with it until Paul got Lilly off of my hair. "Ow." I said Izzie reached up to wipe her spit from my face from her laughing, well trying not to laugh which caused the spit.

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