'Smoothie Off'

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Private Chat 


You can't avoid me forever

Maybe not but I can avoid you until 3:45am on Tuesday

You have to talk to be before we shoot together. 

We talk every day!

You can't ignore me for a week.

Actually I think I can...

Done it for two days so far

It's actually been peaceful without you bugging me.

I think you've been bored really.

You've missed talking to me in the green room

You deffo missed my smoothies.

Actually Paul has been making me the smoothies in the morning shoots

He might even be better than you ;)

How dare you disrespect my fruit smoothies! 

I never thought you'd be so rude.

ahaha Please you know I'm joking

Love your smoothies... But Pauls are pretty good. You have competition

Well I'll just have to battle him in a smoothie off

A Smoothie off. haha really

So you going to stop avoiding me?

Are you going to stop trying to apoligise for your girlfriend calling me a slut?


Because she was mean

Then no I will not stop avoiding you. You don't need to apoligise. 

I totally get it

I was feeding you food.

But she could have let you at least explain.

I wouldn't of, if my boyfriend was being feed by another women I'd beat his ass and then drag her too.

Now I'd pay to see you beat daniels ass

That would be a sight and a half!

I have claws when I need them.

But seriously stop apologising because  I  can't deal with it.

You make me feel bad

I should feel bad.

But I don't want you to feel bad. It's not a big deal!

Fine if I stop apoligising will you buzz me up

Buzz you up?

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