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❤️:12,478💬:4,367👥: @Luna📷: @ChaseHill

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👥: @Luna
📷: @ChaseHill

@Isabella: Missing my bestie! :(


@Luna: Missing you too My little Bean

^@Isabella: Home For Christmas? 

^@Luna: LA bound :(


I sigh looking up from my phone. I missed Luna so much. I haven't seen her since I moved out here and we don't get talk all that much ebcause of time zones and schedual clashes and now knowing she wasn't in England for christmas sucked ass. 

It was the only proper time I was going to see her but now I won't get to see her for even longer. We do have a shoot schedualed for late Jan but that was like over a month away. "what's up?" Nina asked as she sat next to me after tying the balloon up to the lamp. It was Ian's birthday today... Well currently it was 2am and we were on set I've not slept yet and I was no longer in the mood to celebrate with the rest of the cast. I just wanted to go back to my apartment cry to my mum before going to sleep. 

"Luna's in LA for christmas visiting with her dad and step-mum." I say looking over at her. "I know you miss her bubs." "Just so used to seeing her practically everyday. I love you guys but she's Luna." "I know. I miss her too chick." 


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" We all shout when Ian walks in. He smiles and his cheeks redden slightly. He had been filming on set with Paul and Candice. They just finished on time as well thanks to Kat and her messages to Julie. We wanted to make sure everyone made it. We all hug him and he thanks us for the gifts that we had set up on a table that normally holds our snack station and drinks. 

"You guys didn't have to do this." "We were all working so we might as well celbrate here." Paul tells him. There was a few alcohlic drinks in the room and it was little a mini party. We had cake and music. People were in and out filming and going into hair and make-up. I was finished for the night, well day I've been here since 6am and it's now 3:30am. I had a nap earlier but I am getting tired.

"Have you been home yet?" Ian asked sitting next to me. "Nope not yet... Going to head out soon." "You didn't have to stay." "I did, it's your birthday." I said smiling. "You've not slept since two days ago." I rolled my eyes. 'I napped." "You're crazy." I laughed.

"I saw your post earlier." I nodded. "I'm sorry you don't get to see your friend." "It's fine, comes with the job I guess." He nodded this time. I yawned and covered my mouth. "You're not driving home are you?" I shake my head. "Uber." I say. "Order it. I'll walk you out." "You can't leave your own party. Dan will walk me out." I said looking around the room. "No." Ian said spotting him stood on a table using it as a surf board. "He's drunk." "Everyone who's not working is drunk." "Except you." I rolled my eyes. "Let me walk you out." I nodded agreeing.

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