Secrets out

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" They all sang to me and I blew out my candels on my cake as they cheered like I was a five year old. Gotta love your crazy friends. i had finished filming for my movie, I had gotten a spot on the VS FS for next year that I was thrilled about and I was back home celebrating my birthday with everyone I loved.

Me and my siblings flew out two days ago and it was nice having them around. Though it was hard to be with Ian because normally in the safe space of my apartment and his house we can cuddle and speak freely and kiss but now they were here I felt like I was living with my parents again sneaking around with my boyfriend.

I was at a place where I wouldn't mind telling people if they happened to find out I'm not going to actively scream it from the roof tops. Me and E are at a place where we have good communication and we tell each other when somethings bothering us. We have a good work relationship a good friendship and now a good romantic life too. And we know it works because for the most part of our relationship I have been away working and we made it work. We made time to see each other call and text despite the time differences and the long travelling we had to do just to spend a few days with each other sometimes it was just a few hours. But we made it work and I beleive that it will continue to work even with the pressure of the outside world watching.

"Happy birthday baby." Ian said kissing me on my cheek. I tried to not react and I saw Kat's eyes go wide. She already knew and she quickly looked around but everyone was too intrested in Lilly to care. I pecked his cheek back before he moved away he almost froze in place after realising what he had done. "So how does it feel to finally be in your 20's." "No different because I've been looking after you for the passed two years." She says back to Paul with a teasing tone. "You've been a big help with the kids." Phee joked refering to Paul and Lilly not just Lilly. "Anyway. I want cake." I say picking up a fork and taking the first piece. "Don't want to cut that up love." "Not particulaly." I say looking up and Jomo who then joined me with a fork.

"I can't beleive we're filming season 6 of the show!" Dan says joining me and Joe with our eating. "Hey move over." Logan Nudged him. She stole my fork. I pouted. "I can't beleive Nina's leaving." Kat says. "No one knows yet." Nina said and when I looked up her face was scrunched up waiting for the backlash. "You're leaving!" I say looking at her. "Why?" I asked. "I'm just ready to move on to something new an-"Oh my gosh you're having a baby." I say my mouth falling open. I could tell when Neen's was lying she could talk all the crap she wanted about it being time to move on she was having a baby!

When she didn't say anything and Chris looked rather awkward I knew I was right. "I didn't want to tell you on your birthday!" "I'm gonna be anuty! Why the hell wouldn't you tell me on my birthday! BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER!" I say standing up to hug her. "You're not mad I'm leaving." "I'm really happy for you Neens. You'll be an amazing mum." I tell her honestly still holding her.

Everyone congratulated her and we were now celebrating two things not just one. I couldn't careless that it was my birthday. My best friend was having a baby. "We're going to have many babies at the weekends. We'll have Little James and Elle. Lilly and Florence. It's going to be so cute E." I say to him. "Can't wait for a little one of ours to one days join that list." He says to me kissing me on the lips and for a moment I forget we were at The Wesley's place and we wasn't at home just talking with no one around.

"SURPRISE." I said doing Jazz hands because when I looked everyones mouths were agaped. Ian joined in on the hands too and I just kinda moved on from it. "So when are you due? Do I have time to do the spear room up at my place into a cute little nursery?" I asked Nina. No one was saying anything.

"What?" I asked looking at them. "I thought that shipped had long sailed!" Claire says sitting down. "What ship is sailing where?" "This ship. You two are the ship!" She exclaimed loudly and rather dramatically. I whipsered to Ian. "I think we fucked up." I tell him. "Next time we tell them all separately." He tells me. I nodded. "Agreed." I look back at the group who were still in shock. "Is it really that surprising?" I asked getting bored of all the looking.

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