Get On A Plane

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@Nina: Love bringing @Isabella home to mama Dobrev

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@Nina: Love bringing @Isabella home to mama Dobrev.... I think my mom likes you more than me :( At least I'm still Maverics faviourate. 


@Isabella: Love spending time with Mama Dobrev! I've missed her so much!

@Username1: I love how close they are! Bascially sisters

^@Isabella: Yes we are sissy's

@Userame2: They look so cute in this picture

@Username3: My parents! 

@Username4: Do you thing @TVD will ever get Victoria and Elena together? How amazing would that be!

@Username5: Love the NiAbella content! 


I sat on set scrolling through instagram whilst in the green room with Kat. "You missing her?" "Huh?" I say looking up from my phone. "You're missing Isabella... you've been scrolling on her Instagram for the past hour." "Stalker." I say and tilt my phone from her view as a message from Bella. "Why are you so secrative?" She snatched my phone and ran off.

"Kat give it back." Her mouth fell open. "Oh my gosh" "Kat!" I warned she let me take my phone back. "When the-"Hey Ian Julie wants you on set." "I'll be there in a second." I say to the runner and waited until he left. "You didn't see anything! Nothing... We're not ready to tell people yet." "Wait so Nina doesn't know." "Nope." "Luna?" "Nope." "Paul." "Nope." "Bee? Bee has to know." "No one knows but us two and now you. So please don't say anything" 


"What do you mean Kat knows." Isabella said closing the door as she left Nina's mom's house to talk to me. "She saw our messages earlier today." She chewed the inside of her cheek looking at me into the camera. "It's just Kat. She's not going to say anything." "Hey what you doing out here it's freezing." I hear Nina and Bella tilts the camera towards her chest hiding the phone screen. "Just on the phone." "Oh to that boy your dating." "Sure." "Hi Hero." "How many times, it's not Hero." "Then show me." "Nope, now leave please, we're talking." "Okay, mom said that she'll wake us up for our flights." "Okay tell her thank you... Night Neens." "Night." 

"See how easy that was not to let someone see your phone." "Why is it such a big deal? For people to know?" She didn't say anything. "We can talk about it when I get home." "You're not home for another week Izzie." "I know." She looked down. "Can you just talk to me now... We said we'd talk to each other." "It's just feel like when people find out then it's not just our relationship it's everyone elses. Everyone loves to give their opinions on things and it's just. I don't want that." I nodded along with what she was saying because I know what she means. Everyone on cast have strong opinions and Izzie is a loud mouth but she's still a shy person so when everyone says everything it's hard for her. "We don't have to listen to them, it's our relationship okay." She nodded this time. "It's us, our relationship they can keep their opinions to themselves." "I miss you." She said with a pouty face. "I miss you too baby." 

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