After Party

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Isabella's siblings came over to us and showed us where we could wait for her to come out. They said it could be a while. When they first came over Logan was still wiping her tears. I guess she was just proud of her baby sister. 

"Wheres Chase gone?" "He's under strict orders to go get her a pizza the minute the show finishes because she's been neglected for the passed four months." Kalani filled me in. "Sounds just like Iza." "I feel sorry for you guys. You had to work with her whilst she wasn't eating Pizza." Kalani said. "To be fair." Nina began. "Never made she's been awful." We all laughed. 

Chase came running over holding a Pizza box. "Is she out yet?" He asked out of breath. "Not yet, you made it." "I get to keep my fingers." "She threatened to cut his fingers off." 

"Oh Luna's out." Logan said pointing over to the blonde hugging an older looking man and women. i assume was her parents. "There she is." She came over with a huge smile on her face. "Gimme, gimme. Gimme." She said as she got closer. Chase opened the box and she dove straight in not even saying hi to anyone. "Oh my gosh! So Good!" She bascailly moaned. I laughed at her reaction. She ate the slice and then began to greet everyone. 

"You my brother... Are the best!" She said kissing his cheeks. "You my sister... Are the best." He said back.

"And you my friend." She said pointing at me. "And you my friend." Pointing at Nina. "Are so frustrating! You know how pissed I was at you!" She hit Nina's shoulder. "We're proud of you." She said before pulling her into a hug. And then I took over. "You looked unreal up there." I whipsered to her. "Thanks." She said before pulling apart. "I'm going to take my Pizza and head inside... I'll meet you at the hotel... Where are you at?" "The one you're at." Phee said from Pauls arms her feet were hurting her from all the standing. "Absoulte Godess. My dear. Stunning." Isabella said to Phee as she backed away with a pizza box in her hands and her phone balanecing on top. I think she'd be more heartbroken about her pizza hitting the floor than her phone right now.

She disappeared behind some doors and we all shared cars to get back to the hotel. 

I could hear Iza on our floor doing her rounds saying hi to everyone. Thanking them for coming. I also heard Luna, she sounded drunk... Probably was they've not been able to have a drop in months. 

"Come in." I say to the knock on my door. "Hey." She said with a big sunshine smile graing her face. "Was starting to think you weren't coming in when I couldn't hear Luna anymore." I laughed sitting up. "I took her to our room." She says climbing on the bed. "So how was your first fashion show?" She asked. "It was amazing! You are amazing!" 

"Well how do you feel about coming to an after party?" She smiled again then did the puppy dog eye move. "Where?" "A place." "Take Nina." "She is with Luna. In my bed asleep." "Claire." "Asleep." "Kat?" "Asleep." "Phee?" "Heavily pregnant." "Paul?" "With his heavily Pregnant wife." "The boys..." "I'd rather keep Nate and Steven away from my friends and the other two are too old for parties." "I'm older than them." "But... Your cooler than them." She winked and I laughed. "Give me five minutes." She nodded. I got out of the bed and shoved my suit back on she just laid back looking up.

"You think they're proud?" "So proud." i say not even asking who. I knew who she was talking about. "I hope so." "You achieved a big dream of yours... they're proud!" I say buttoning up my shirt. 

I was ready to go and so was she, we went down in the elevatore and the models i saw in their undies were now all in dresses similar to the similar to the one Isabella was wearing. We all got in various cars Isabella held my hand so I didn't get lost in the swarm of girls. Most were eating fires burgers or pizza. 

"This is our car." She says pointing. I opened the door for her and she climbed in and i got in after. It was Luna, Adriana and Gigi. "Riding with the idol." "Yep... I made it." She joked. i closed the car door. "This is Ian. Ian this is Gigi and Adriana." "Is he the guy?" Adriana asked and Isabella gave her a look, that basically read shut up. "You break my little girls heart. I'll break your pretty little face... don't let the model thing make you think I can't." "Okay, enough of this." Iza said taking the cup from her. "Thats the guy though right." "Yes This is said guy." She said looking at me a light blush on her cheeks. I frowned confused. 

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