March 11th

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"What the hell was that about?" Isabella said coming into my lounge with a coffee in hand. Starbucks nice. Wonder if she got me a drink. Propbably not. Yeah she didn't. She's still pissed. "Are you going to say anything?" I've never seen her this worked up... it's kinda hot... I've seen her act this pissed off before on the show but never seen her actually annoyed at me. "Hello Earth to Ian?" She clenches her jaw when she's mad. "I don't even know why I bother." And she's leaving the room. 

I stroke Enzo before moving his head out of my lap and follow her into the kitchen where she had left to. "Paul brought me home by the way thanks for leaving me carless." So her being angry carries on to all the rooms in the house. Wait did she just say home? I look out to see if she had her car on the drive. She didn't meaning Paul dropped her here and she called here home. Home... With me and her here in one house. "Are you going to say anything Ian?" She asked looking defeated as she leant against the counter. "No. Okay." She picked up her purse and put it back on her shoulder before leaving. 

She's leaving. She's leaving. Move. I go out to her on the drive. "Isabella come back inside." "You want to talk now huh." She said turning to face me as she walked backwards down my drive. "it's dark and cold out just come inside." "Are you going to talk to me?" She asked. I nodded and she came back in I waited until she was inside before coming in and closing the door. 

"What's up with you today?" She asked as we sat back in the lounge where we origanlly was. Enzo sat with Izzie on the love seat and I sat on the main couch. "I just don't want you kissing Paul." "But why? It's just Paul." She said looking at me confused. "Because people choes him." "His married with a child on the way... He's not even an option at this point." "I know... I just don't like the idea of you with someone else. I know we're not together and I know you need time I get that and I respect that." I say firmly. I didn't want to push her into anything she wasn't ready for if it means we'd come out hurt. "I just... I want people to know you're not exactly on the market anymore." I try and explain without sounding controlling or needy. I was scared she'd just leave me. I have feelings for her strong romantic feelings. And she says she likes me. I beleive her. She got or shy and weird when we were talking about it early one morning after no sleep from working all night. 

"I can make that happen... People might not know it's you... But I can make it clear I'm Emotionally unavalible." She said compromising with me. "Yeah?" She nodded. "If you promise not to react like that again... it's my job Ian and it was embaressing." "I'm sorry." "You need apoligise to Julie too, you stormed out of the meeting." "I know." "And just didn't came back all day." "I know... I'll say sorry." "Thank you." She said drinking her coffee. "Have you eaten yet? I'm about to order something." I say picking my phone up. "What you getting?" She asked squeezing out from under the big sleeping Dog and coming over to join me to look through the menu's. "I was thinking maybe Indianan tonight we've not had that in a while." I say clicking on the resturante. "Yeah we haven't actually." She agreed and we picked out a few shairing dishes. 



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