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"So I have to work today." I tell her with a big smile on my face hoping it would soften the blow. "Thats fine, I totally understand." She said into the phone, we were on facetime. Had just woken up by the looks of it. "But, Ian loves to ride so he's offered to take you down if you still want to go." She looked a little off put. "He's a nice guy he's not going to leave you out in the country." 'I don't know that." "You work with the man." "I've been in two scenes with him." She defends. "You don't have to but he offered... You'll have a good day." "Fine, but you still owe me a girly day... I don't have my sister around anymore." She pouted in attempt to make me feel bad to agree to a girly day with her. "I know and we will, Spa day next weekend." "We'll have to work on the day because I'm actually in NYC but sure." "Wait what?" "I have a shoot for Vogue no biggy." "Thats when you know you're in the clouds when Vogue is a no biggy." I mocked. She rolled her eyes. "It's for their December issue." "Ooh Snowboats and skis." "No, ball gown and perals." She laughed.

"Well get ready because Ian's heading to you in like an hour." "Got it." "Love you." "Love you too Neens... Byyye." And we hung up blowing each other kisses. I was so grateful Ian offered to go with her because she was actually excited to go. I loved horses too but they remind her of home and I guess she was looking forward to the familiar feeling. I am so bummed I couldn't go with her though. 


I just finished getting ready when Ian texted me telling me he was downstairs. I grabbed my purse and sunnies before heading out locking the door and making my way to the parking lot. "Hey." I greet him with a smile as I climbed into the car. He had a jeep. "Hi, you all good?" "Yeah, can't wait to go riding." "You ride?" He asked shocked backing out the parking garage. "Yeah, I ride when I get the chance." "Do you have a horse?" "Yeah I have three, Buttons, Midnight and Kevin." "Kevin?" He asked amused. "I named him when I was 10, I was obsessed with the jonas brothers, I had Joe and Nick too but Kevin is the only surviving one." "They passed young." "They were rescuses, pretty old when we got them." "Oh, i'm sorry." I smiled. "So you ride?" "Yeah, when I have the time, you know how it can get." I nodded. "I have Eagle, he's a pretty cool horse." I smiled. "You deifently have more of a bold name than I." I noted. He nodded. "You were a kid right." "I got Midnight for my 18th." I laughed. He did also. "Assuming his a a fell pony?" "No, buttons is though but Midnight is Friesian horse... She's gourgous." "They're amazing horses." I nodded.

"We sound like such geeks." I laugh to myself. "Are you horsing me? We're the coolest kids on the block." I cracked up even more. "No, you don't agree." "No." I laughed out. "Not vlogging today?" I shake my head. "Wanted this day for myself... The stables remind me of home and I want to enjoy it not worry about getting content." I tell him honestly. I haven't been around Ian much but I see him watching me sometimes as I talk to the camera. Most people now just ignore me or join in or mock me but he just observers. "I get that... Horses remind me of home too." I nodded. "So is Eagle at these stables?" "Yeah but we can't ride him at the moment... He's sick." That was hard for him to say. "I'm sorry to hear that." "Me too." I squeezed his hands when I saw the tear roll down his cheek. He looked over at me and gave me a sad smile. "When Joe got sick, I remember sleeping in the stables every night incase he passed away... and when he did I reminded myself of all the happy memories we had together, I knew i made him happy and I made him feel safe which is the main thing, I'm sure Eagle feels the same about you." I say looking over at him. "Thanks." "No problem." 

The rest of the drive we spoke about horses and some how both got more ampted the closer we got. It was a long drive but luckily for me it wasn't akward. As we arrived Nina rang us. Ian answered on hands free. "Hey Bean." I say. "So you've not killed eachother I'm assuming you're getting along." "Why would you think we'd kill each other." "Ian you're hostile and Isabella you have a quick temper in the mornings." I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." We say in unison before smiling and laughing. "What have you even been talking about?" "How much we despise you." I say laughing so she knew I was joking. "Horse." "Horses? You spoke about horses for two hours." "Yep." I say popping the p. "Gosh I'm glad I'm not there thats a major geek out." "I'm glad you're not here too." Ian said and I held back a laugh the way he sassed her he might as well of done a head roll and a click of the fingers before flicking his hair over his shoulders. "Anyway we've just arrived so can we call you later? We have stables to muck out?" Ian asked. "Yeah, sure. what time you heading back?" "Not sure." I say getting my hoodie from the backseat, I took it off getting too hot on the drive and Ian told me to throw it back. "Okay call me when you're home okay... I don't like you going in there alone." "I will do." I say, "Love you." She calls down the phone. "Love you." We called back before the line ended. 

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