Chapter 18

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            Holding up my dress in the light I admired it’s shiny sleekness as Natalie and Sam rambled on how tonight is going to be the best night of our lives. I couldn’t quite agree with them on that one yet since I didn’t want to go to this stupid dance in the first place, and they both had dates while I didn’t, but I didn’t have the heart to bring them down.

            Yeah don’t give me that, what about Nick, question because I will personally flip out. After talking with him on Thursday, that disaster with those dudes, and the woman freaking out, I was so emotionally spent that yesterday in school I just avoided everyone and didn’t do much of anything besides sit in my seat not paying attention. Then because of the dance today we had no classes since everyone would have skipped anyway to get ready. Not that I have any need to complain at the moment.

            Sighing I placed my dress back down on the edge of Natalie’s bed spinning around in the swiveling chair to face the other two. Instead of going out to a salon to get our hair and nails done like every other girl in the school was doing at the moment; the three of us opted to do each other’s hair and makeup.

            Standing up I stated, “Okay I know you both just can’t wait to get your hands on my beautifulness and play around but I get to style you both first to give myself some time to adapt to this; okay?”

            With a giggle Sam said, “No problem as long as I get to do your hair, Natalie has already agreed to work on your makeup.” Looking up from plugging a straightener into the wall, our brunette friend shot us a thumb up. Rolling my eyes but getting a smirk working its way onto my face, I grabbed the straightener from Natalie and sat her down in the chair.

            I pulled Natalie’s ponytail out and started gently combing through her wavy hair with my fingers before I followed suit with the straightener. Once I got it pin straight I pulled it up getting a clip then making her hair spike out from there. Gently pulling a few strands of hair out to frame her face I got a pretty lilac flower and attached that to the clip so it would match her dress.

            The hair was perfect so I grabbed some mascara and started on her makeup. I put on some gentle eye liner and mascara before powdering on some silver eye shadow followed by some black eye shadow smudged on the edges of her eyes to make them seem bigger. Adding a light pink blush to her cheeks and a soft light pink lip gloss I capped the makeup and helped Natalie pull on her dress. After touching up her hair and makeup again and giving her amethyst earrings to borrow for the night I led her over to the mirror on the back of her door.

            When Natalie saw herself her eyes popped out and her jaw dropped. Touching her reflection in the mirror she whispered, “Oh my goodness Josey you made me look so pretty.” Grinning I gave her an one armed hug then turned around to see Sam bouncing up and down in the work seat with a wicked gleam in her eyes. Laughing I went to work on my best friend leaving Natalie still staring at herself in the mirror.

            I started off straightening her hair then added a small wave to it and a few curls in the front. Grabbing an emerald hair clip from my jewelry box I pulled back the main curl in front and held that back with the clip so it gently brushed her cheek. On the left side I didn’t do anything so her cute freckle could stand out and work its own magic.

            For makeup I used green and silver eye shadow and black eye liner. Her cheeks were naturally rosy already so I put on a darker shade of pink lip gloss and smiled when I saw how much like a goddess she looked like. Helping her on with her dress the second it was on she hopped over to the mirror and laughed at her reflection twirling around like a princess. “Oh my gosh Josey I love it so much!”

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