Chapter 7

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            Kicking the refrigerator door shut I put down the peaches and apples saying, “I love fruit salads.” Sam looked up from peeling a carrot just in time for me to fling an apple core at her face hitting her right in the eye; score one for the assassin!

            “Damn it Josey you can be suck a prick sometimes,” she muttered pouring chopped up carrot into the real salad she was making; my fruit salad will be far more superior. I don’t know why I love fruit salads so much, I guess it’s just because all of these different fruits can be mixed together to make something delicious so I don’t need to pick a favorite; although kiwis are by far my absolute fav fruit. When you think about it kiwis don’t get the recognition they deserve, when you think of a fruit the first thing that comes to mind is apple, no one would ever think kiwi, that’s right I’m calling apples out here and now.

            Shaking my head (although the mental image of an apple mug shot was still floating around in my brain) I continued to cut up the fruit until I had everything perfect and mixed together. Sam took a fork and speared an orange slice and I watched amused as the juice trickled down her face. “You know if you didn’t look like such an idiot I would smack you right now,” I mused handing her a napkin, “Only Natalie is allowed to eat my salad because she appreciates what I do here.”

            Natalie walked out of her room at that moment holding what appeared to be a sparkly cape. Picking up the edge of the sheet Sam asked, “Okay Natalie I usually love your fashion sense since there’s no pink in it but this is a little over the top, what is it?”

            Putting down the cape or whatever it was she replied, “Oh the drama teacher asked me if I wanted to help make some of the costumes for the play this year so I said yes since it’s something else to do in my free time which I have too much of. Josey thought it would be good if I got out more and she was right; thanks Josey.” I was too busy obsessing over the perfect kiwi slice on top of the salad that I didn’t hear her the first time but when I understood what was going on I shot her a smile.

            Natalie helped us put out the rest of our lunch for today, (a nice bowl of chicken soup, our salads, and a can of cherry pop each) and we dug in joking about how Nick was starting to slowly lose his mind since all he had been doing ever since Sunday was ignore everyone, he even stopped going to rugby practice. Apparently in this school this meant that the end of the world was approaching and we should all go into hiding underground.

            Spearing a strawberry I stated, “Maybe when they were screwing in a bush somewhere she gave him this STD that no one has heard of yet that permantly damages your brain; I mean look what it has done to Crystal already.” We all burst out laughing so hard that chicken soup started to come out of Sam’s nose which made me laugh so hard I teared up while Natalie was lost somewhere underneath the table in hysterics.

            Coming back up for air Natalie gasped, “Damn Josey that’s harsh but probably true.” We all chuckled for a little longer while we finished up eating with an hour of lunch still left; they believed that we should have time to ourselves in the middle of the day so our lunch period was an hour and forty minutes long which was still way too short. I mean we were in each class for an hour each and then only had nearly two hours in the middle as a break, what are these cruel monsters doing to us?

            Stretching a little Sam got up saying, “You know Natalie I’ve never seen your room before.” Before I could even twitch a finger Natalie ran over to her room and slammed the door shut locking it with her room key. Raising my eyebrows I looked over at Sam who nodded and then tackled Natalie pinning her against the floor shouting, “Open the door Josey!”

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