Chapter 19

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            Nick caught the ball and started running it down the field. Taking a mental snap shot of him I continued sketching his frame out in my sketchbook in the bleachers. “I hope Natalie gets the part, she so deserves it,” Sam said from my right rubbing her hands together through her mittens. I’m glad that she decided to come down and watch the boys’ rugby practice but I felt bad since it was freezing out.

            Adding in another small detail in the backdrop of my drawing I stated, “Why yes she does, on talent alone she has this entire school in her hands. And if you’re cold and miserable then just go inside and get warm I won’t mind.”

            Stuffing her hands back into her armpits Sam huffed, “What kind of best friend would I be if I wasn’t out here to support you in this obsession over this guy?” I was about to tell her off when Nick saw us and shot me a wave and a wink; before I thought about it I smiled dreamily and sighed. “See? That is an obsession,” Sam stated triumphantly doing a happy wiggle on the bench; I don’t care anymore, he’s hot and I’m a teenage girl, shoot me.

            The hour continued on, I kept drawing Nick getting it perfect while Sam worked on her essay that was due next week. “Hey Josey, why did the conspiracy kill Caesar again,” she asked a half hour later while I laughed and groaned. I hated Julius Caesar and all things Shakespeare for that matter.

            Tugging my knees up so I could rest my chin on them I started to explain slowly while she scribbled notes down, “Caesar was supposed to be crowned the new king of the Rome after he killed the king before him, Pompey. The conspiracy thinks he is too ambitious to have that much power so they plan on assassinating him before he gets his crown from the senate. They decide to have Caesar’s best friend Brutus help them because they believe it would look good if they have him on their side since he is very honorable and highly admired. Now with that to help you I want you to go off of that.”

            Finishing her notes she started flipping through the play again to cite lines saying, “I really am starting to hate English class. It’s a good thing Ms. Robin is super nice or I would have thrown my desk out the window by now due to stress.” Rolling my eyes at that mental image I stared down at Nick again wincing when he was driven into the ground by one of his team mates. I am never going to get used to that probably. Although I could see the appeal to the game since you got to beat people up for fun and get points for that.

            Having perfected my new drawing of Nick and with Sam busy working on her essay, I flipped to a blank sheet of paper counting less than twenty pages left of my sketchbook. Ignoring the stab of pain I had thinking of starting a new one, I started to sketch Sam working on her homework laughing quietly to myself at the face she was making while she thought about what to write.

            Just as I was finishing that drawing the bleachers started shaking as someone else came running up towards us. Squinting my eyes I saw Natalie’s yellow knit cap and nudged Sam with my foot nodding my head down at her. Sam snapped her book shut and we both watched her scramble up the seats until she was standing in front of us panting with a huge grin on her face. “I-I got the part,” she gasped smiling at us.

            Sam and I screamed so loudly that we got the entire rugby team to stop their practice and stare at us as we jumped up and down hugging Natalie. “Sorry,” I shouted down at the team with a huge grin on my face. Grabbing Natalie in another hug I spun her around exclaiming, “Oh my goodness this is amazing Nat! We have to go celebrate at the diner so you can tell us everything that happened!”

            Natalie still looked slightly bemused at everything that was happening when I grabbed her arm and started tugging her along with us back to the school. At our room we quickly grabbed our purses (yes I have a purse, it’s just a denim one that suits my style perfectly) and ran down to my car while Sam texted some people from her phone. The car ride to the diner took about fifteen minutes and then we were sitting in our favorite booths holding mugs of hot chocolate to keep us warm.

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