Chapter 69

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[How have you been?] Skye went over to Kate with Vivian following behind to meet their long-time friend.

[I've been good. It's almost time. You've both done so well taking care of Mila.] Kate's body was a large fox form with a single tail but her fur was indeed coming off slowly due to her age. [Mila, why did you want to see me? I'm not in the best condition. Aren't you sad and upset enough?] Kate didn't understand why Mila would want to see her so badly when she wasn't in the best condition.

"I don't care. I want to spend time with Kate now and the new Kate later." Mila hugged Kate who knew it was useless to deny her little master.

[Alright, what do you wish to do now? As you know, I cannot go around too much with my little lifespan.] Kate licked Mila's cheek seeing how her eyes had been exhausted and filled with tears before arriving. [You've shed a lot of tears that I would never have imagined you to do so. In the future, do not shed for something like this. We live and die, but there is always new life in return.] Kate said that was indeed true. Her two comrades and friends knew it as well that that was true,

"I want to stay with Kate. Do you wish to tell me anything before it's all gone? I don't want you to regret anything if I am gone before you can tell me anything." Mila didn't want Kate to have any regrets before she had a new life and forget everything in this life.

[Hm, well. I think there may be something that I can tell you. Although, I do not know if it will be of much help to you in any way.] Kate wrapped her single tail around Mila seeing how small she still was. Yet, her tail wasn't even as beautiful as it used to be when she was much younger. [The group known as 'The Messenger of Beasts' has been rarely seen since it only holds certain types of people and beasts. For your specialty, it has never been known since it is gifted to those with a pure heart and mind that think of the people who suffer. You were chosen to be one to lead and have it since your heart is more concerned for the people and you love them when you have to link or connect to them in any way. Along with no need for using them for evil deeds like others who hold greed and selfishness in their hearts. You also have something that can change history. Even the sorcerer and God's followers would be able to imagine it.] Kate said which confused Mila to hear that from her since she did not know what was in store for her in the future.

"What do you mean?" Mila looked to face Kate who was smiling down at her little master who was still too young to understand the true meaning behind all of her words.

[In the future, you will know since there is still a lot of time for you to learn along the way. Right now, it is too early for you to start thinking about it.] Kate wished that she could've had more time to be with Mila and watch her grow, but she didn't have much time like her friends. [These two will take care of you and I will be taking time to grow and work on my mana since I will be weak and small. Even though I won't remember anyone, I will always know that you all are my friends and family by heart. Do not think that I will be any different from how I am now.] Kate was about to make Mila cry again when she had just stopped crying. [Don't worry. I won't leave you when I have my new form. I promise you.] Kate rubbed her head against Mila's small head. [I will surely miss rubbing my large head against your small head. I hope that there is a chance for me to do so again in the future.] Kate felt like there was going to be another chance for her to make those words come true.
"She's not in her room!!!!"

Sara and Thelma were in a panic since they entered Mila's room to not see her at all in the bed. Emmett and Tim didn't even know where Mila would leave and go out using the windows that were in her room.
'Should we just make sure that every room we let her sleep in doesn't have windows?' Both Emmett and Tim looked to one another knowing the question that they were both wondering about.

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