Chapter 51

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[Master, how have you been?] Skye's voice sounded sleepy, but Mila was soon called out by the woman who she was following around in the monastery. Losing the connection that she had been so desperately trying to get.

"Miss, are you alright?" She came forth to Mila whose focus came back to where she currently was.

"Y-Yes, please continue." Mila listened to their history with how the air elements caused the land to rise. Feeling exhausted from listening to it all, Mila waited in the monastery's water fountain.

Allowing the wind to mess with her hair, she then felt something close by. Turning to see a small Polka Dotted Air Newt. "Hello, what may your name be?"

[Tsk, not like you're going to understand me.] He said, looking away from her.

"I do understand you."

[What?! You know what I'm saying right now?! Like at this minute?!] He was shocked to see one human who understood a beast without a contract.

"Mhm, what's your name? I'm Mila." She introduced herself to see Newt turning red with shyness.

[The names Net. It's not a very good name.] He said but Mila petted his small head gently.

"I think it's a good name. Don't be ashamed of it. Whoever named you must have been a great being." Mila allowed him to hang onto her shoulder which he just did.

[What brings you to this place?] Net didn't think that a girl her age would come to such a holy place.

"Well... if I had to be honest then... I'm looking for someone. She is waiting for me to find her." Mila could see the little watering eyes from Net's salamander eyes. 'Did I say something wrong???'

[You're so sweet!!!! Someone like you putting the effort to find someone important like that!!!! I wish I could have someone do that for me!!!!] Net started crying which had Mila shocked by a long shot.

"Eh?!" Holding her head, she didn't think that there was such an emotional beast.

[I was always alone, and I've always dreamed of meeting someone who would form a contract with me. I think I don't have any masters though.] Net said with a gloomy attitude.

"If you want, you can join me on my little adventure." Mila shocked Net who looked at her in shock and happiness.


Both had left the monastery, heading out they made it all the way to the end of the town. Looking to the edge, Mila had never really feared heights from the start.

"It's that bastard child!!!!"

Mila turned to see the same men from before at the tavern. Holding the handle of her sword, she could see that they would be the type to take such actions when her or one of her friends were alone.

"We're here to make sure that you are beaten to a pulp!!!!"

Mila took her sword out with the six men charging at her. "Net, hang onto me." She had Net slip into her pocket. Slipping through each of them, they were larger than her, but they were not quick. Cutting each of their leg tendons, they screamed while Mila didn't show a care. Looking to the one who had started it, he fell back not his bottom with Mila going towards him.

"D-D-Don't kill me!!!!" He was begging but with how the man was she could see that he wouldn't give up.

"Wait!" Mila stopped from killing the man to hear the same familiar voice. Looking to see the same mask and cloak.

"What do you want? I have no care if this man dies or lives but if he targets my people next then I have no choice but to take action myself." Mila was angered to see how the man there was acting childish and vengeful but cowardly all at once.

"Don't worry. Close your eyes." Aiken covered Mila's eyes where she only saw darkness but proceeded to shut her eyes also.

"W-W-Who are you?!" He screamed while Aiken smiled, removing his mask.

"Your punishment is far more important right now. You won't live to see anymore beyond this." Aiken said that the man screamed being marked with a black encrypted symbol that was an unknown written language. The symbol appeared on the man's forehead leaving him to see the symbols also appear on his two back hands of his palms.

"Forgive me!!!!!"

Aiken already put his mask on taking Mila with him, letting the man keep begging to live. "Are you alright?" He looked to see Mila looking down to him since he carried her over his shoulder.

"What was that about? What were those symbols?" Mila didn't know about that part of the curse for the royal blood in the Maedda kingdom.

"No one lives past the next day since those symbols are like a curse or a marking. It makes sure that the person who has it will die by the end of the day that they were marked." Aiken could see Mila just staring at him like it was nothing. "You don't seem surprised."

"There's no point in being surprised. It seems like a very fair trade for one's crimes and mistakes." Mila was put down onto her two feet.

"Enough about me. Why are you alone?" Aiken looked down to the little girl wondering by herself.

"I'm not alone. I have Net with me." Mila said straightforwardly and indifferently.

"Net???" Aiken just stared at Mila like she was crazy.

Mila sighed, reaching into her pocket with Net who made a crick sound and peeked his head out to see the man who saved them. "He's my new friend that I met not too long ago. I decided to let him join me." Mila went ahead pulling Net out completely to reveal himself to Aiken.

"Hahahaha!!!!! You're very amusing. I didn't think that you would have one of these little Newts." Aiken lightly patted Net's head which he found odd.

[Mila, it's strange being with this man.] Net knew that no one would understand him but Mila.

"Don't worry. He's a good person." Mila ensured Net that he wasn't a bad person.

"You can understand what he's saying?" Aiken asked, looking down at her.

"Don't spill the secret. Only my closest friends and comrades know of this. I'll be putting my trust into you." Mila gestured a shush sign to him.

Aiken just scoffed seeing that it may be personal anyway, but it would put Mila in danger if others knew. "Alright, I promise I won't tell anyone. Where are you going?" Mila had almost forgotten what she was supposed to do. The thing was that she didn't know where she was supposed to go. There was a long silence between the two. "If you don't have anywhere to go then come with me."

Mila followed Aiken who led them ahead. Following until they reached an ancient ruin. "What is this place?" Mila looked around to see how it was crumbling due to its old age. Seeing the air element with the beasts all drawn. The plants and moss covering some drawings.

"This is where beasts of the air element used to stay." Aiken sat down looking near the edge of the land that they were on.

"What happened?" Mila wanted to know with her curiosity reaching a peak of limitation.

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