Chapter 37

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Mila had entered inside of a tavern hiding their faces and their hair included with their cloaks, seeing how the tavern was one of the best places to likely be in. "What is the issue?" Mila asked, seeing how all of the townspeople looked at her in desperate need. Vivian stayed outside since she was a large horse which was still hiding her unicorn features. Cotton went with Mila inside the tavern and held onto her still from the back side.

"Please help us!"


"Please! The emperor's governor has grown too greedy as he asks for the taxes almost every week! If this continues, then we will all die of starvation as he even takes our daughters as compensation!"

Hearing that the governor would do such a vulgar thing, she couldn't help but feel more anger and hatred inside. "Who is the governor?" She asked, looking at the man who spoke out to them.

Vivian could feel all the hate and darkness that was surrounding deep within Mila's heart which she did not know how to stop her from thinking of killing. 'Mila, you cannot kill just because you hate someone for what they did.' She thought knowing that Mila would lose her kind heart if she was surrounded and corrupted by hatred.

"Nebel Vancon." The old man said with Mila knowing exactly who he was.

'Nebel Vancon is known for being a scandal to all lower-class people. He had been known for having one beast which made the people fear him because of it.' Mila thought and rubbed her head seeing how the governor was the wrong choice of governor. "Where does he reside?" Mila asked, seeing how corrupted this town was, but it may not only be one town in the Mireraweth kingdom.

"He lives on the east side of this town." The old man said Mila felt annoyed by how the emperor handled matters unpleasantly.

"Let's go. We'll be back." Mila said going outside seeing Vivian being petted by the small children of the town. Vivian had grown a batch of potatoes for the townspeople to at least suffice their hunger. "Good girl." Mila petted the front of Vivian's head. "Make sure that everyone is well-fed. By tomorrow morning, you'll have your matters all gone." Mila informed the elderly man.

Going to the east side of Hollowglen, Mila looked to Sara and Emmett who stood beside her from each side. "My lady, what do you wish to do?" Emmett asked Mila.

"First, let's change how we look. Second, Sara, you stay out here and alarm us when there could be guards that can show up." Sara wanted to reject being outside, but Mila handed her another stone. "This stone will help you. It can be used multiple times so all you have to do is blow your breath on it."

"How will I know it works?" Sara asked, looking down at Mila.

"Trust me. You'll know." Mila smiled, having them make sure they had everything ready. 'Well, it's time to see how well my spell casting has been going.' Mila knew that they needed to look different, so she had made sure to practice a few spells in the future. Stretching her hand out, she had their cloaks change looking to be nothing like any kingdom's type of design. Their masks changed randomly creating a full-face mask to conceal their identities.

Sara's mask was of a cat's which was designed with gold vines going along the face with two gold jewels at the ears. Emmett's mask was like a simple face but with swords designed around it as if it signified a warrior in some way. Mila's mask changed to what looked like a goddess with elements of all kinds designed on all sides of it. "We're ready." Mila went with Emmett inside the mansion that belonged to Nebel Vancon.

Mila heard a girl screaming inside, seeing none other than Nebel Vancon pinning her onto the bed. He was a skinny old man who was likely hitting his fifties. "Come here beautiful! If you become my mistress, then you will love leisurely."

"Release the girl." He didn't even know what had happened, but he heard a sword held close at his neck. Turning to see, what looked to be a young girl with a man, but they wore masks concealing their identities.

"W-Who are you?" Nebel Vancon asked to release the girl, giving her a chance to run away from the room. He stumbled falling onto the bed which had him still at a disadvantage.

"Such a greedy person as yourself does not deserve to know us." Mila said, looking to see how the man was so frightened.

"Champ!" He called out which Mila figured he wouldn't stop without a fight. Summoned out was a Giant Rock Gorilla. About to smash them from behind, Mila and Emmett jumped away swiftly and saw that the gorilla wasn't hard to get rid of. "Thinking that you could get rid of me! Hahaha!!!"

Mila and Emmett looked at each other even though they had a mask on. They felt a smile form on their faces to know the plan. Emmett ran forth towards the gorilla, he disappeared into a shadow with Nebel Vancon shocked.

Mila on the other hand just ran in a glimpse which Nebel Vancon didn't see in his room. His gorilla then started fumbling and swinging around as his shadow started feeling like it was getting crushed. "Champ!!!"

A sword was heard next to Nebel Vancon's throat which Mila held such hate in her eyes for him. "Why don't we start the punishment for ruining this town?" Mila said smiling.

[My lady, can I have the honor of punishing him first?] Cotton asked, looking at the man who killed her family.

"Very well. Enjoy it while we are still here." Mila smiled letting Cotton go first as vines came from the windows and floor.

"Aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!" Nebel Vancon screamed while Mila and Emmett figured that he wouldn't have any guards.

"Look! Look! It's the bad man!" Children said in the early morning when they were playing. Their parents and elders all went outside to see Nebel Vancon beaten to the pulp and tied up.

Seeing Mila with the rest of her group not in their new disguise but old, the elder man then showed up looking at Mila. "Did you do this?"

"If the emperor does not wish to punish him for his evil deeds, then we will."

"How can we ever repay you?" The man asked, looking to their saviors.

"Just take care of these people. They have done nothing wrong and since my friend has helped your crops you all will be fine." Mila smiled looking to see how much the people were taking their part in harming Nebel Vancon.

"What if they ask who did this?" The elder man worried that they would be punished for harming the governor.

"Tell them, 'The Messengers of Beasts' punishes those who commit the wrong acts and are filled with selfishness and greed." Mila said smiling to the elder man.

Getting on Vivian, Mila got on with Sara while Cotton clung onto Mila once again. Emmett had his bat wings once again come out. The townspeople bowed to thank them as they left the town that would no longer be in poverty. 'What has the emperor been up to?' Mila held a grudge now to the emperor of Mireraweth.


"What do you mean 'The Messengers of Beasts' did this?!" The emperor angrily took out his sword going down to Nebel Vancon who shook begging for his life.

"I'm not lying!!! They were really able to defeat me with a little effort!!!!"

"Take this imbecile to the dungeon!" The emperor dropped the sword he held going back to his throne. The women around clung close and kissed him which he didn't mind.

"Please don't!!! I was wrong!!! Your majesty!!!!"

The emperor held his head not thinking that there would be such a group that would be causing headaches for him. 'Who are they?' He held an angered look wanting to know who they were.

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