𝟑𝟑. | 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭

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Tom joined them, they finally settled to a table at the ice cream shop. "What do you kiddos want?" Reina asked as she sat next to Caroline.
"Chocolate with vanilla." Tom answered. Caroline rolled her eyes. "You're boring ew. I want coffee ice cream with caramel ice cream at the top." Caroline answered. "I'm not boring I just know the best taste." Tom answered. Reina grabbed the pen on the table and wrote what they wanted on the white board. After she wrote it, the board disappeared.

"Ew you smell like rotten eggs Caroline." Reina reacted in disgust, cupping her mouth. "We went out to drink yesterday because we had hard time sleeping. Its alcohol. Reina are you okay?" Caroline asked with a worried tone. Reina closed her eyes for calming down. She stood up and ran to the bathroom. "Reina!" Caroline yelled as she ran towards the bathrooms. She saw Reina rush into one of the cabinets and vomit. "Oh bloody Merlin's sake." Caroline whined as she rash into the cabinet, holding her sister's hair. After Reina finished, she stood up and went to the sink, cleaning her mouth. "Reina..." Caroline whispered with a low voice. "What!" Reina yelled as she grabbed a towel to whipe the water on her mouth.

"You might be..." before Caroline finished her words, she was interrupted with Reina yelling "No!" Reina rushed out of the bathroom, to their seats as Caroline followed her. Tom looked worried. "Reina are you...." Caroline looked worried. "No I'm not I can't be." Reina answered. Tom looked confused. "Uh hello, I'm here too." Tom mocked.

"Who's the father?" Caroline asked worried. A surprised expression occured on Tom's face. "Reina you're bloody pregnant. Who's the father?" Caroline asked once again. "I don't know!" Reina yelled. "Fuck. How many people did you slept with Reina?" Caroline asked as she held her sister's hand.

"I-I, maybe two or three. I don't know Caroline leave me alone." Reina yelled as  shebcovered her face with her hands. "Bloody hell. What will you do with the baby? Abd who the fuck is the father Reina, I know you and I know that you're quite smart enough not to forget who you slept with." Caroline explained.

"I'm not asking who the fuck you slept with Care. I never asked how many times you fucked that shit over there!" Reina snapped. "Yes because I'm not bloody pregnant! Reina you have to talk to me sister." Caroline explained with a desperate tone. The waitress walked in and placed the ice creams infront of them, leaving them alone. Reina grabbed the spoon and cupped the ice cream, licking it in her mouth.

"It may be Dorian Marchie's." Reina whispered. "Wait so the guy that helped you about his family right?" Tom spoke and annoyed Caroline. "Whats the deal with him anyways?" Tom asked, grabbing the spoon and licking the ice cream.

"He was Castiel and Ellisa's oldest brother, when he was younger, Dorian got rejected by his whole family because they learned that Dorian was a follower of Grindelwald. He was disowned and ever since, he hated his whole family. Thats why he helped me with the whole Castiel situation. I've only slept with him." Reina explained with a desperate look.

"So we gonna have a cute little cruel baby like you both, yay!" Tom mocked. "You find this funny?" Caroline yelled, rolling her eyes.

"You deserve nothing but hell Tom fuck you." Caroline yelled at him, he licked his eye cream again and again.

"There's no way that we're doing it. Not with a baby inside of you. Do you want it?" Caroline asked with a warm smile.

"I don't know all I want is for it to go away." Reina explained as she looked at Caroline's gorgeous hazel eyes.

"If you don't want it, we can kill it but you have a long time to decide that, either way there is no possibility for us to get in the meeting Reina." Caroline explained.

"You can't decide on killing your own child in just a minute because of your rage and anger. You have to think, you will be a parent or not, either way you're not gonna decide on anything just yet. Hate me and shame me but thats the right thing to do." Caroline explained.

"How touching, so what next, baby showers?" Tom mocked. "I seriously will kill you bastard. Shut the fuck up for a second." Caroline yelled.
"I'm soo emotional right now. Can we name the baby after me. Little Thomas Coryn?" Tom mocked with a giggle again. Caroline hit Tom's leg with anger, making a small moan escape his mouth.

"Do you want to live without your dick or something Tom? Then stop trying to annoy me." Caroline yelled. "If you both get the dark mark, I will help you both, you can have your parents back and I can have two followers." Tom spoke. "Okay." Reina replied as she looked at Tom. A smirk appeared on Tom's face. Caroline's face looked ar Reina.

"Reina no!" Caroline yelled. "He's fooling you please don't you're ruining your life Reina!" Caroline yelled at her again. "As you wish." Tom teased. Caroline stood up and walked to Tom's seat. She leaned over him with her wand on her hand. She made him lay on the seat as she was at the top of him. "Freaky.You wanna fuck here darling?" Tom teased. A slap was placed as his cheek.

"Now thats what I call passion." He replied with a smirk. "You ungrateful piece of shit!" Caroline yelled, dragging her wand on her neck.

"You are not gonna have me or have my sister have that stupid weak ass mark of yours. You're never gonna be like Grindelwald or whoever your idol is. You're weak and stupid. Go to hell." She yelled with anger. "Caroline stop this nonsense." Reina yells.

"Yeah Caroline stop. Kill me in public and thats so fucking clever." Tom mocked. A slap was placed on his cheek again. "Shut the fuck up!" she yelled as she got off of him. "I fucking hate you so much Tom! I hope you're gonna die, suffering." Caroline once again yelled.

"Well I hate you too." Tom agreed with a cute blink.

Broken Souls ~𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 ~Where stories live. Discover now