𝟐𝟑. | 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐟

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While reading the ends of the chapter play "can you feel my hear" by Bring Me The Horizon.

"I'm back!" Caroline heard a quite familiar  voice, Tom Marvolo Riddle. She turned to see that Tom was walking to her with a smile on his face, she faced Caspian and Corvina. "Holly shit is this for real?" Caspian whispered with a fearful look. "Caspian calm down, he's coming here." Nolan whispered. He walked to Caroline and grabbed her arm. She faced him, everyone around the grand hall stared at them. She looked confused.

"You really thought that sending me away would be as easy as that! Now you got some attitude Caroline Coryn." he giggled with a sarcastic tone. He stopped laughing at her face and a cold expression filled his face. He turned to the whole table and other students.

"As the prefect of of Slytherin I must told you guys about her, trust me she is quite interesting ." he chuckled with joy, raising his arms on the air. "Stop!" she whispered with a low tone, her words escaping between her teeth, her hazel eyes stared at his green eyes, with a fierce look. He turned back to the tables again.

"Well look who we have here. Her parents Coryn family was the noble followers of the most powerful dark wizard ever, Gellert Grindelwald. Now please continue to blame me for letting a danger in my home, while this bitch stands here. You're welcome." he grined and explained with a sarcastic act. Her eyes started to fill with tears, escaping continuously. He turned to her wit a smile.

"Fuck you Tom!" she yelled and slapped his face, leaving a red mark. "Caroline!" Corvina yelled. "You piece of shit!" she yelled ashe hit Tom's chest continuously. Her tears escaped from her eyes, all Tom did was smile. She heard laughters across the whole room. She grabbed her wand and pointed at him. He raised his hands on the air, with a playful smile. "Come on Coryn kill me and reveal everyone that you're the murderer here!" he yelled with a sarcastic tone. She lowered her wand with the feeling of embarrassment. He grabbed her chin, leaning closer to her.

"Don't ever dare to fucking threaten me again or the next thing I'm going to do is reveal Sheila." he whispered, leaning to her ear. "Astronomy tower tonight, this hateful feelings we have for each other is consuming us." he adviced, leaning away from her after he finished his words. He turned away and walked to Abraxas Malfoy and Orion Black.

She sat back down at her seat, avoiding any eye contact. "Did you do it Care? Was it you all along?" she heard Caspian's voice which hit her like a stab in the back.

"Of course she didn't Caspian, isn't it so fucking clear that Tom is a master manipulator." Corvina supported her. "I'm sorry I just had t-to ask jeez." Caspian replied. Nolan stared at her the whole time.

"You did those crimes didn't you?" she heard Nolan's tempting voice. "You fucking manipulated me too for believing in you. You are as cruel as Tom if thats the case. Guys I think we have a female Tom right here." he declared with a cold tone. Corvina almost choked on her food.

"For Merlin's sake what is wrong with you guys! Stop blaming Caroline!" Corvina yelled as she chewed her food.

"I saw your hands that night Caroline. I just thought that Tom did that to you but it was always you wasn't it." Nolan accused again. They all stared at Caroline's face full of anger.
"What is he talking about Care?" Corvina questioned.

"Her hands were ripped and bleeding that night when she turned against Tom. I thought that maybe he hit her but I didn't talked because she woke up having a nightmare." Nolan explained with an angered voice.

"Fuck you guys!" she yelled and stood up.

"Caroline they didn't mean it, get your ass back over here!" Corvina yelled but she didn't listened.

She waled to the astronomy tower, of course she placed a protection spell on herself, since what happened  earlier at the astronomy tower, she couldn't take any more risks. Tom was staring at the moon, her visions recalled, remembering that night.

"Fancy meeting you here." Tom said with a cheesy tone. He turned his face to her, staring at her beautiful, messed up looks.

"Why did you wanted to meet up?" she asked with a cold, distance tone. "You're everything I'm lookig for a possible death eater darling." he replied, he tied his hands at his back and walked to wards her.

"What are you talking about Tom?" she asked with a lowkey terrified look. He grabbed his arm and revealed a mark, a tattoo. "I want you to get one of these." he spat.

"No!" she disagreed, with a confused face.

"I'm dead serious Caroline!" he yelled.

"So am I!" Caroline snapped back.

"If you don't get it, I'll kill you. And you damn know it well that I would do that." he threatened her, pointing his wand at her chin. She revealed her wand, pointed it on his stomach. "I could do it quicker before you could even say the words." he declared. Caroline pressed it on his skin.

"Unless I kill you first." she replied with a grin. Tom's hand grabbed her wand, with a sudden moment he ditched the wand. "Avada Kedavra!" he casted but Caroline ditched the spell. She ran until she reached the cliff of the tower.

"I'd rather kill myself instead of letting you do it!" she snapped. Tom's wand fell on the floor, his steps quickened as Caroline smiled wickedly. She released herself off the cliff, Tom ran to her but she was already starting to fall down. "Fuck!" he cursed, jumping of the cliff. They both started falling from the tower, his hands catched Caroline's waist. Their bodies crowled together as they continued to fall from the tower, her eyes filled with fear as she stared at a pair of green eyes. She of course knew that she wouldn't die but Tom would, she thought to herself.

The air started to fill both of their lungs, her hands reached at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Goodbye motherfucker." she hardly whispered in his ear. As they both hit the ground. They started bleeding at the top of each other, their hands tangled. "I fucking hate you." Tom hardly spoke closing his eyes to darkness. "Not as much as I hate you." she spoke hardly as her eyes closed, revealing nothing but darkness...

Hey yall so I have a few things to stay:
-Thank you all for the people who supported me, also special thank you to Lymar.

I love yall<3

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