L.U.S.T.(written with Breelove_1D)

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This is somewhat of a Fan Fic. It features a friend of mine and Louis Tomlinson. Also some parts may be too graphic <3 and big thanks to breelove_1D who stayed up with me until 5 30 to write this with me <3 I honestly couldn't have written this without you because I felt so wrong writing it haha. I love you darling <3  


Louis strolled up to the front door knocking nervously. It was mid December, almost Christmas. How had he let Niall talk him into this? Only two weeks ago had they received a letter from a fan telling them about this lad who was Louis' biggest fan, there was a picture attached, and Louis couldn't deny that the boy was beautiful. Niall had seen the look of pure enchantment in Lou's eyes, he knew he had to convince him. He had done just that. That is why Louis stood on this complete strangers doorstep not knowing what to expect. 

He knocked once, twice. then a third time. There were footsteps. His heart was racing. What was he going to say? How could he possibly explain to him why he was here? He couldn't. How could he tell him it was a dare? 

Inside the house there was a boy of only fifteen. His name was Lucas and he had been a secret fan of One Direction since the beginning of sophomore year. On this day he spent his time listening to their album as usual. Then he heard a knock at the door. Who could it be? He listened. Whomever it was knocked twice more. With a soft sigh and got up and made his way to the door. In the corner of his eye he saw out of his window. That person looked so... familiar. Well, of course he looked familiar. He had only reblogged his face and pinned up poster after poster on his walls millions of times. 

Lucas paused. When he opened the door what would come after? Would he merely stumble over his words, grab a picture with him and then never see his idol again? Probably, he thought. 

Louis rocked back and forth on his heels. Who ever was on the other side of the door stopped. There was no movement, the door wasn't opening, nothing had changed other than the silence. He figured that he'd imagined it and went to leave. As he descended the door steps the door slowly opened and there was a low throat clearing. 

He turned around automatically, a small gasp left his lips as he stared at the boy who looked matured compared to the photo. His hair was completely chocolate brown, his eyes lighter, he could visibly see the length of them from where he stood. He had no shoes on, tight green-blue skinnies and a coca-cola sweater to pull it all together. There was a half-smile on the boy's lips, that Lou could feel himself staring at for a bit too long. He blinked and looked back into the boys eyes. "H-hi, umm, I'm L-louis Tomlinson from One D-direction... " he stuttered out then shook his head embarrassed. "You probably already knew that.." He smiled nervously. He'd never been nervous to meet a fan before.

Oh my dear lord. Oh my god. This-this is Louis Tomlinson. He is at my door. He is here and I didn't shower or shave. And-and he's here and oh no I'm barefoot. He thinks I'm weird I can see it in his eyes. Oh mah gawd. 

"I'm L-L-Lucas. Um..." The younger boy looked at him. His eyes scanned his body carefully. "W-why are you h-here? Not to be rude but you're you." Lucas felt his cheeks burn red. His body tensed as he waited for a reply.  

"Well, you see, I received a letter stating that you are my biggest fan... I was just wondering if maybe," he took a deep breath,"maybe you'd like to spend some time with me? We happen to be on holiday and I couldn't think of another way to spend it." 

Fuck, that came out wrong. He's going to think I'm a git. I didn't mean for it to sound like he's my charity case, I actually really wanted to do this. Not that I'd ever tell the lads that.. Especially with the still fresh wound of Harry leaving me for Taylor.. Who, I'd warned him only used him for music material. Ugh, i need to fix this... 

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