Chapter 35 - Questioning friendships

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Questioning Friendships


At the sound of the door opening, my first instinct was to push myself away from Logan immediately. I stumbled backwards from Logan's form and bumped into the bed post. My eyes flew to the door, only to see a surprised Bella standing at the doorway.

I coughed and gasped for much needed air, feeling the rushed feeling of panic slowly go away while relief flooded me instead. I would have preferred no one to see me so close to Logan, but it being Bella was far less bad than if it were Gabriel, my parents or anyone of my brothers generally.

Logan turned to look at the doorway and his expression immediately turned sour. He let out a sound of annoyance before coming to stand besides me. Bella's wide eyes slowly narrowed as she stared at us. She cleared her throat awkwardly before sending me a look.

"Hey, Logan." Bella said awkwardly.

Logan didn't reply, causing me to nudge him in the ribs.

"Hey." He grunted out in annoyance. He was clearly upset that Bella had disrupted our moment.

"Uhm, Sera, can I have a word with you, please?" Bella asked.

"Sure, I'll be right there." I agreed, my racing heart skipping beats at the thought of Bella's confrontation. She left the room hesitantly, giving me one last questioning glance before she exited.

I turned to Logan. "I have to go." I murmured.

"Fuck that bitch, she can wait." He growled.

I gasped. "Don't speak about her like that!" I was completely offended. "And don't make this situation harder than it already is. It took a lot from me just to forgive you, Logan."

He sighed deeply, taking my hands in his. The strain lines on his forehead told me just how hard this was for him. "I'm sorry. I will work on that."

"Good." I nodded, releasing a sigh. I pulled my hands from his causing him to frown at the action. "I have to go, and so should you."

"I'm really not invited to your party then?" He asked, looking bewildered.

Unsure of what to say, I remained silent. My silence caused him to scoff, before stepping away from me. I reached out to touch his hand, but he shrugged me away. Hurt settled inside me.

"What-fucking-ever. It looks lame anyway." I knew that he felt hurt by his expression and the way that he was clenching his jaw.

"It's not like that, Logan. And you know it." I said in some sort of defense.

"It's okay, I'll leave. There isn't gonna be free booze here anyway." He mumbled, heading past me and towards the door.

I released an annoyed sigh as his nerve. I forgave him for everything that he had done to me. He could of been a little more understanding of as to why it was complicated for him to be here. Instead of feeling sorry for him, I marched faster than him towards the door and brushed past him.

Once in the empty hallway, I looked right and left to see if there was anyone in sight. There wasn't, not even Bella. The west wing was a bit isolated at most times and I used to loathe the fact, but I was grateful now that no one could see us. They would ask questions, more questions, one thing would lead to the other and my parents or Gabriel would find out that I have been seeing Logan. Logan of all people. And I absolutely didn't mean that it a bad way.

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