Chapter 21 - Road trips

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Road trips


"Bella! Caitlyn!" I rushed over to my best friends and engulfed them into a hug. I don't know why but I missed them a lot, even after I've seen them like four days ago.

They both laughed and hugged me back.

"I'm so glad you invited me. God, I would've had to go to my family's cabin for the weekend to 'spend some quality time' with some relatives. I don't think I could have handled that." Caitlyn groaned causing us to laugh. They both carried a small duffel bag with which I'm sure contained a few extra clothes and some necessities.

When Gabriel called Mikhail to tell him that we would be coming, he said that his big game would only be in four days time. That gave us a day to get to California, and three days to do whatever we wanted in the city. I'd never been to California and I'd always wanted to go there. Mikhail promised he would take me, but during the four years of studying at university he hasn't come around to that. Same goes to Sebastian, which was probably why Gabriel was so against the idea of visiting.

I've packed a bag full of clothes and other necessary items to tag along, and I've packed one for Gabriel as well since he couldn't be bothered to. He claimed that he would wear the same clothes for three days till the game. Reasons why he needed me so much. We began loading our bags into one of my dad's expensive vans the next day, with Ben doing all the work as usual. There were enough seats and space in the van for atleast six people to sit comfortably inside. Gabriel protested against the van, saying that it wasn't his style. However, against my argument he lost. I had a certain charm when arguing, especially with Gabriel. Over the years I've kind of mastered the act of getting him to give up.

When everything was ready, I jumped up and squealed in excitement. I've never went on a road trip before and I was awfully excited to see my other siblings again. The drive to California from Seattle would take atleast 15 hours by car, which was the chosen type of transportation. My father owned all sorts of aeroplanes and private jets that was on standby for use, but I thought that a roadtrip would be fun.

"Are you absolutely certain you guys will be okay without me?" Ben asked, looking uncertain.

"Yes, Ben. We're not kids anymore." Gabriel said in annoyance.

"Your father will fire me if he finds out I let you go to California alone, Seraphina." Ben sighed in distress. "I could trail behind you guys, you won't even know that I'm there."

"She's not alone, I'm with her and I promise to be responsible." Gabriel said, this time in a much softer tone. "I can understand your concern but I swear she will be fine, and I will too."

"Okay," Ben nodded. "But the moment you're not okay or you run into any danger, call me immediately. As much as people admire your father, he also have enemies because people are jealous of his fortune. You two could be targeted and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything bad happened."

"Ben," I smiled, embracing him in a hug. "We'll be fine."

"Okay." He let out a huge sigh. "When will you be leaving?"

"As soon as Logan gets here, which is" Gabriel answered, checking his wrist watch.

I stepped towards Bethany who had a huge smile on her face. "Seraphina is all grown up now." She said causing me to blush.

"My seventeenth birthday is in two months." I reminded her.

"I know, hun. It's the most important day of the year, remember? I will bake your favourite dishes and deserts and we will decorate the house to the theme of your liking and then invite all of your family and friends."

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