Chapter 8 - Farewell

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Immediately after school the next day, my parents called Gabriel and I to inform us that it would be important for us to attend dinner the evening. Dad knew that Gabriel would want to skip dinner after what took place the last afternoon. It never went too well, which was probably why they wanted to discuss the situation over dinner with us. 

My parents often left on business trips that could go for as long as one month. However, three to four months was a different case. They would essentially be gone the whole summer and an additional month. Mom probably didn't think I could handle being on my own without them for so long, but to be very honest, it wouldn't make that much of a difference.

The evening that day, we were all seated by the dinner table. Dad had summoned Bethany, our resident chef and Ben, my bodyguard and the head of security to have dinner with us. They were present at dinner for the first time in a while now, so I knew the situation was serious. Seeing as my parents were extremely strict, they had to inform the head chef and security about their absence.

I was seated next to Gabriel, who looked about ready to crush the poor glass he held in his hand. His glare was aimed solemnly at my father, who seemed pretty much oblivious to it. Either that or he knew how to keep his composure well rounded and calm. Mom looked stressed out and she probably expected an argument to break out between my brother and father. We weren't far from that by the looks of things. Benjamin and Bethany looked awkward and tried to keep a straight face while I, the youngest person at the table and most immature, was eyeing the oven chicken and grilled pineapple as if my life depended on it. I could feel my stomach cry out at the delicious smell. I didn't know how much longer I could just stare and not devour it completely. But it was really rude to start eating before we thanked God for providing us food and praying for whatever else we wanted. It was common courtesey.

Sometimes I was so greedy, but my small stomach told a different story. I nearly smirked in some sort of accomplishment at the fact that I could eat a cow everyday and still look model thin. Some people would consider it unfair- and it probably was -but I wasn't complaining at my very successful genes.

For once I sound concieted, I thought proudly. I was trying to work on my insecurities, and it seemed to be working.

"Could you stop glaring at me, son?" Dad broke the awkward silence. I swear I could see a drip of sweat roll down the side of Mom's face. I wanted to laugh.

"And stop grinning, Seraphina. You're acting immature." I let my face fall straight immedietly, feeling hurt that my father didn't appreciate the fact that I wasn't complaining that they were leaving. I was acting mature by understating that they needed to go on their trip. If anything, he was being immature by calling me immature. I've met sixteen years olds who act like grandma's, people should actually appreciate immaturity sometimes.

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