Chapter 33 - Party planning

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Party planning


It was awful,

The things that I'd said to Logan. But those words didn't come from nowhere. All my pent up emotions about him and what he has done had finally came out and to the surface, in the form of some mean words that God knew Logan deserved. I felt horrible afterwards. Seeing the look in his eyes when the last person he thought cared about him was throwing him away.

But I had to. I had to throw him away. He was so messed up, so utterly damaged that he couldn't see how wrong his actions were. He was blinded to seeing how much he was hurting me. But then he apologized at times, giving me the confirmation that he felt sympathy. He felt guilt. And that was what made him so dangerous and lethal. Subconsciously knowing that what he had done was wrong, but not doing anything to change his actions.

In the end, it also told me that he was no psychopath. I had stayed up all night researching his supposed condition. It was absolutely terrifying knowing that in the end it wasn't psychopathy that drove his actions. One would think that it would relieve me, but it didn't. Now his cruel actions couldn't be blamed on a mental condition, but it could be blamed only on him. Now he became more of a mystery. I felt like I didn't know him at all anymore. And I truly didn't know him since the beginning.

Maybe their was a mental condition that wasn't psychopathy, but it was unknown to me. He displayed some symptoms of his supposed mental condition, but not all of them. I was still unsure about my acquired knowledge of the hours of research I had done on the internet.

I wanted to confront Logan about it, and tell him that maybe he wasn't who he thought he was. But it was too late now. I vowed to myself to never see him again, and I intended to keep my promise.

And Logan became a bigger mystery in a short few hours.


"Why did Logan storm out of here like you'd just slapped him?"

Because I did.

"Uh... Their was no cheesecake left and he was really hungry."

"Wrong answer. Don't lie, Sera. I will find out by him sooner or later." Gabriel warned.

"Fine. I confronted him about involving you with drugs all those years ago and he just snapped and left." I explained carefully, keeping out all the details involving the part of the real reason why I snapped at him.

"God, Seraphina. What were you thinking? You don't just upset Logan and leave it at that!" He nearly yelled.

"Why? Because he's dangerous? If that's the case then why do you invite him into our home all the time? Why are you even friends with him?" I asked incredulously. I've been needing these answers since I knew that the two of them were best friends.

"It's complicated, Ser." Gabe sighed, his shoulders sulking. "You wouldn't understand."

"Try me."

Let's just say that Gabriel didn't elaborate on the topic further. For the next week while planning my birthday party, there was tension in the air between Gabriel and I. There were tacit questions left unanswered, questions that I badly wanted to know. If Logan wasn't a psychopath, what other mental condition did he have to make him so insane? Why was Gabriel so intent on being his friend? Why would he invite him over here when he knew that Logan was dangerous?

The week was filled with mind dwelling questions that were unanswered. Filled with my ignoring of Logan's texts and staying locked up in my room whenever he came over. I could tell that Gabriel preferred it that way anyway. It was like he wanted to remain best buds with Logan yet also protect me from him at the same time. It was beyond annoying.

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