Chapter 16 - The mall

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Days passed by since that day at the beach. I wasn't supposed to be thinking about it this much, but it was all I could think of. Logan's handsome face was imprinted in my mind and no matter what I did it stayed there like a tattoo, permanent and toxic. I couldn't stop thinking about his shining blue eyes and how they darkened whenever he became angry.

My friends visited me a few times but other than that things were absolutely boring. I was hoping that Logan would text me again, but he hadn't and that fact made me extremely sad. I didn't want to text him first, what if he was busy? Would he even reply? If I did text him first, what would I even say? All these unanswered questions became so annoying when days passed.

I descended the steps on the east wing and grumpily walked into the kitchen. I noticed Gabriel sitting at the kitchen Island, staring at his phone with a frown on his face. I walked towards where he sat and leaned against the island.

"Why do you look so grumpy?" I asked.

"I just got off the phone with mom. That's why." He answered, a hard look on his face.

I immediately straitened up. "Well, what did she say?"

"That they need me in Los Angeles right now and that I should come immediately."

I frown. "Why on earth would mom and dad need you in Los Angeles?"

"They're about to close a deal with an important business partner but apparently want to meet the heirs to our parents empire to get more 'well acquainted' with us. Dad asked me instead of Mikhail and Seb because he thought it would be a good opportunity to expose me to their business."

"Oh. . . well, are you going?"

"Absolutely not." He scoffed.

"Gabriel," I sighed deeply. "You have to. If this is important to them than it should be your mission to go and help them. Besides, you do realise that their business lies in our hands one day?"

"No, thanks. I'd love to not neglect my wife and kids one day." He slid off the stool he was sitting on and walked pass me and towards the kitchen entrance. Before he was out he turned around to look at me.

"And by the way, you can't change my mind so don't try to." With that he left the kitchen.

"Wherever." I grumbled, not liking his negative attitude.

I was about to walk to the fridge to find a mid-day snack when the bell chimed at the front entrance. I grew excited when I remembered that I had invited Bella and Caitlyn over to go to the mall. Earlier on we had planned to go shopping, not because we didn't have enough clothes as it was but because we needed to start going out more and having fun our summer holiday before school started again. I looked forward to my senior year but I was also excited to experience the possibilities the summer holiday held.

I hopped all the way to the front door and punched in the code before pulling the double doors open. Bella and Caitlyn stood before me, all dolled up for the mall. I smiled and invited them inside.

"I never get tired of coming here," Caitlyn commented. "This place is huge and it always smells like lavender."

I giggled. "You can thank our head cleaners Beverly and Maria for that lavender smell."

She chuckled in response.

"What are you wearing, Sera?" Bella raised a brow, giving me a pointed look. I looked down at my outfit which consisted of pajama shorts and a short summary gown.

"Oops. I was having a lazy day today."

"Which is technically an everyday kind of day for you." Caitlyn smirked.

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