Chapter 28 - Scary night out

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Scary night out


Three hours after Bethany and I talked about Logan, Bella came barging into the front door liked she owned the place. I was just done swimming when I catched her in the hallway and she engulfed me in a big hug. Let's just say, I told her almost everything over the phone. How I've been seeing Logan for the past five days that Gabriel has been gone, only to find out that he wasn't taking me seriously at all.

I wouldn't call it cheating, since we weren't officially together in the first place, but I still considered him to be more than just a friend. I let him touch me, and kiss me, yet I wasn't the only girl he was touching and kissing. It made me feel absolutely humiliated, and before I knew, I had told Bella. I kept out every single part about Logan being forceful with me, and how he would shove me around and change personalities in a split second. I didn't need Bella to think bad about him.

After showering and blowing my hair out, I sit clad in my underwear as Bella pulled on my hair with a curling hair iron.

I winced when she pulled too hard.

"Ouch, not so hard." I whined, sulking in my seat.

"Stay still you big baby. Since we're going out tonight to get your mind off of that manwhore, you have to look perfect so that you can find yourself someone else." She scolded.

It was five pm, and Bell had been here for a short hour before she began curling my hair. We agreed to go out tonight, and this time she didn't have to pursuade me. I was excited since I wanted to get Logan off of my mind. It wasn't good to think about him so much. And especially after he sent me another load of texts, demanding me to explain to him why I was ignoring him. If he couldn't figure that one out on his own, than he really has been taking me for a fool this whole time. He threatened to hurt any other guy who touched me, but he could go about and sleep with other people? It made me both angry and ashamed.

"What are we wearing tonight?" I asked Bella, once she was done with my hair. I hadn't curled my hair in a long time and I loved the way Bella did it. She left the upper half almost straight but only curled my bangs and the lower half into big and wavy curls that left my blonde hair with volume and a shine to it. I loved it and assessed myself in the mirror. I smiled at my appearance. Out of the many things Logan had taught me in the time I've known him, one of the things was that I had to appreciate my looks, and that I was beautiful. Before I met him, I was so insecure but now I could happily say that I looked pretty.

"Can I lend some of your clothes? Im choosing your outfit by the way."

"No problem." I smiled. "Thanks for doing my hair so nicely."

She waved it off. "I have the perfect outfit for you in mind." She tapped her chin thoughtfully before entering the walk in closet. She knew her way around, so I watched her grab all the clothing pieces she needed before placing them on the fluffy bench in the middle of the closet. I walked close and assessed the clothes she chose.

"Oh my god, Bella. Are we becoming hookers for one night?" I asked in exasperation, staring down at the short leather skater skirt she chose, the long sleeved dark pink crop top with an open neck line and the transparent black tights.

"Please, do not argue and just try it on."

I bit my lip in thought. My mom has bought me all these clothes that I never once wore. She even got them in the perfect size, and custom made. Women would take my measurements and design clothes for me as if I was royalty. See? How I was treated like a princess. Before, I would blush like crazy and shove the clothes out of my sight. But I remembered that night in the hotel in California, how Logan's fingers would trace over my body and call me beautiful. Now, I was curious to know how I would look.

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