Chapter 51 - Bloody hands

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Trigger warning x


Bloody hands


If the people living in the apartment situated opposite Logan's one was listening closely and shoving their ears against their wall, they would hear the sounds of female crying. They'd be wondering if two overly emotional chicks were watching The Titanic or something even more melancholic than that, such as a documentary about war and death. It was far from the truth and no one could guess correctly the reason why two girls were crying in their twenty-something-year-old neighbour's apartment. Four months ago, if my future self told me what my life would be four months later, I wouldn't be worried but rather laugh my ass off at how ridiculous it sounded. Unfortunately, my future self wouldn't be lying.

This is what life has become. It was overwhelming for someone like me who couldn't react well to stressful life situations. I'd just never been given the chance to face anything bad in life. My parents and brothers were always there to make sure nothing was hard for me while growing up. The only drama that ever occurred in my life was the fights that my parents had with Gabriel and occasionally Sebastian.

I wish I was stronger and, admittedly, the last three weeks away from Logan had done me well because I no longer wished to stay with Logan and I didn't want to go back to him ever again. He was too toxic and deserved tons of psychological help and medication.

Bella's tears seemed genuine. I'd like to think that anyways since I knew her my whole life. Bella and my friendship dated back to pre-school. We would share our lunch every lunch break; I would give her half my ham and cheese sandwich and she would give me half her Nutella one. We would share silly secrets and do everything together, such as have sleepovers every Saturday after spending the day out in the park with Ben and Bethany. I knew her for that long like I would a sister. But lately, she and I have admittedly grown slightly apart given she was an extrovert and I was the opposite. As much as people said opposites attract, it didn't in most cases because while she wanted to go out to parties every Friday night and make tons of new friends to have fun with, I would prefer to stay inside and enjoy the activities inside my home. I was too shy and lacked the necessary confidence to enjoy strangers' company.

That's what hindered our closeness lately and after watching that video I began to question everything.

Is that how she has been feeling this whole time? She sounded so hateful and jealous in the video recording. I lacked social skills but I wasn't a fool of human emotions. That was plain jealousy. I was well aware that Logan and his friends must have drugged her or given her some alcoholic drink, but her words must have come from somewhere. She wouldn't have just made up everything she said on the spot from nowhere. It was how she has been feeling this whole time. I knew that people had their demons and inner thoughts that they weren't proud of. But this looked genuine despite Bella not being in her right mind.

"Do you see what I mean, baby girl?" Logan's voice from beside me caused me to jump. For a second I forgot he was there, too busy staring at Bella's face of remorse and regret. Arms came from around me and Logan pulled me to his side. He used his hand to wipe my tears before he kissed me softly on my frozen lips. He pulled away before saying, "That's exactly the kind of person she is. I knew that she was jealous of you from the start."

I sniffled and used the back of my index fingers to wipe at my eyes. I didn't know what to say and I for sure couldn't look at Bella.

"You're a manipulator and you're obsessive and insane," Bella spat, her eyes shining with tears. "You didn't tell her what you did to me after that."

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