Chapter 46 - Leaving him

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Leaving him


Sera's letter:

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Sera's letter:

To my dearest Logan,

I don't even know how to begin to say this. . . It has been about three and a half months since I met you. Yes, I've been counting the days since you have come into my life at full force and without warning. That night: the night that I met you was the most surreal night of my entire life. I had never met anyone like you before. You were so tall and handsome, but you were also so intimidating. I danced with you because I was excited. I was so scared too, but mainly very excited.

I didn't expect to see you again the next day. I was so shocked and could not believe it for a second. There you were, standing in my kitchen and chatting to my brother. I was both displeased by seeing you again but also very excited. You made me feel feelings I've never felt before. It was weird.

And then you persisted. You warned me to stay away but you kept coming back. You warned me about your issues, yet you kept coming back.

You turned my whole life upside down and made me experience love. But also, pain, a whole lot of pain. The first time I realised how different you are was when I had a panic attack at the party Gabe had thrown in the estate. You scared me so much and had my heart skipping beats. It was the first time I had a panic attack in a long time. It was overwhelming.

I should have never let you see me. I could have prevented it long time ago, yet my mind kept urging me not to let you go. To help you. I admit, I pitied you. I know that you are so strong and can help yourself, but after you told me about your childhood, my heart broke. I so badly wanted - and still do - want to heal you. I know that your heart is broken. You have been let down by so many people. Everyone betrayed you. I hate them for it. I hate them all for hurting you.

I don't like to see people or anything in pain. It hurts me too. I've been sheltered and oblivious to all the bad out here. Sure, I've learnt many things in school. But seeing you and experiencing it in real life was different. I began to develop feelings for you after you told me about your condition at the lake. Call me crazy, call me insane, maybe I am insane. I have always felt the need to help things that were broken. You said that any girl would be running for the hills and you were right. They would not have stayed.

I can't explain why I still wanted to see you even after that day. You were like an unpredictable stranger and you scared me so much. But you also caused butterflies in my stomach. You somehow made me like you.

My love for you began to grow that time when Gabriel left for New York City to help my parents. I invited you over and we spent a couple of days together, alone and without the barrier of my family. I realised then that I loved you. I can't explain how and why it started. . . I just know that I love you. I can feel it.

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