Chapter 9 - Pool fun

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Pool Fun

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Pool Fun


After my initial shock of Logan's sudden appearance, the room was engulfed in silence.

"Logan? Where the hell did you come from?" Gabriel asked, looking excited. From what I have seen so far, I guessed their 'bromance' was really tight.

"One of your. . . maids let me in. The gate man was kind of hard to convince, but whatever." He replied, his voice hesitant when he noticed the presence of not only Gabriel, but the rest of us too.

"Holy shit, Logan Rivera? I thought you died or migrated to another planet." Sebastian surprised voice came as he stood up abruptly.

"I'm perfectly alive, bro. It's just been awhile." Logan said.

"Damn, it's been a long time." Mikhail said, looking awkward for a moment. He covered that up quickly, keeping his posture calm and collected.

"Why are you here so early?"

"Your parents were leaving town and I just couldn't resist." Logan replied. He  walked towards the couch before slumping down besides Sebastian.

"Am I missing something?" Tory whispered, so that only Mikhail and I was able to hear.

"Logan was Gabriel's best friend since he was little, but our parents never approved so he always came over when they weren't here." Mikhail explained.

"And you never told your dad about it?" Tory asked.

"Of course not. They were being unreasonable and I have no problem with Logan. I like him actually."

Gabriel, Sebastian and Logan were aimlessly chatting among one another. Sebastian was probably trying to catch up with Logan for all the lost years he spent in jail. Not once did Logan show any sign that he actually noticed me, and it kind of hurt.

In fact, it hurt a lot.

However, I couldn't think like this. We agreed to be just friends because it would complicate things if otherwise. From now onwards he would treat me as he was supposed to; as Gabriel's little sister. And if we hadn't met before the first time he was introduced towards me, I'm assuming our relationship would have been that way without having to talk about it first. But the way he made me feel that night, I would have had feelings for him either way. Like Bella had said, it's just a normal girl problem to have a tiny crush on my brothers best friend. But was this a tiny crush?

I sulked back into the comfy sofa, making myself unnoticed between my brother and Tory.

"Wow, how could your parents not approve of that? He looks really great at this angle. I bet if he stood up and turned it could get him at another angle and maybe then-"

"Excuse you and your slutty thoughts, but your boyfriend is a mere seat away from you." I swear I didn't mean it, but my voice came out as an angry huff. Firstly, my brother was in hearing shot and looking directly at her. Secondly, Logan was off limits...?

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