Chapter 50 - Revealed truths

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If you could choose one superpower, what would it be? I'd like super speed.


Revealed truths


Bella was standing by the door, her expression tear-stricken and absolutely frightened. She was scared, for herself or for me, I didn't know. Ever since the phone call we just had, I wasn't sure of many things regarding Bella anymore. The fact that she knew I was here with Logan and did nothing after everything I'd told her made me question our entire friendship. It made me think back to every moment we had as best friends.

My confusion was through the roof as I took in Bella's form. My tears had dried but only slightly. My mind kept nagging about what I'd just saw. Parker. Oh God. Please be okay.

I didn't think I could ever recover if Parker was seriously injured. And by the looks of what Logan had shown me, it was the reality of things. But I was too wired with nerves and stress to think too deeply about it in the moment, despite the voice nagging about my worry at the back of my head.

Bella's hasty eyes searched the apartment the moment Logan opened the door. Her gaze found me and she visibly swallowed, her eyes looking like it was begging with me. But for what? What did she do that needs my forgiveness other than leave me alone in the lion's den? Why was she here? How did she even know Logan's apartment number? This building was many levels high and I doubt she could have just asked the receptionist for his apartment. I knew that she knew where he lived given she dropped me off here once for Logan and my date, but what I didn't understand is why she came here alone? I thought the first person she'd go to if she thought I was in trouble with Logan was Gabriel.

Gosh, Gabe. I miss you so much right now.

"Sera," Bella nearly shrieked. "We have to leave now. Come on."

I narrowed my eyes at her in question, but it didn't stop me from speed walking towards the door to where Logan stood. I left my bag because fuck it, I wanted to get away from here as soon as possible to tell my brother all about his best friend. What Gabe did with the information I'd tell him would be up to him. I wouldn't interfere and I'd let him do whatever he wanted. He could report him to the police by all means because I was absolutely done with Logan Rivera.

Seeing Parker beaten and bloodied on the floor was my final straw. I let him hurt me because I was too clouded by my emotions for him but I would never let him hurt the people I cared about or anyone for that matter because of me.

I reached Bella and made a move to leave the apartment but my shoulder was tightly gripped and my body was forced backwards. I made a sound of surprise. My eyes found Bella's and she looked nothing less than terrified. She had every right to be.

Before she could blink, Logan grabbed her arm and pulled her into the apartment before slamming the door shut. The sound of the lock almost caused me to wince.

Why, Bella? I wanted to scream. Why would she come here alone?

Logan turned to me. "My, my, we've just turned this into a party, baby girl. Aren't you happy to see your friend?"

I glared at him. "Let us leave right now. I swear, I will report you and I don't care if you get locked up again."

He didn't look the lest bit fazed by my threat, as if he had everything in control and dammit, because I was sure he did. While I was a nervous, heavy breathing mess with tears in my eyes, he was calm. Or at least he appeared to be. His emotions were a topic so foreign to me even after all the time we spent together.

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